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May 21, 2006 | South Carolina Headlines


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Mrs. Jenny Sanford: Mother's Day
Benj Buck
May 9, 2006

Several months ago, some boys in a New York City park said to me what so many voices cry out across America, “I wish I had a parent to spend time with me.”  These teenage boys lived on their own; their parents didn’t care or know where they were.  For some sad reason, the parents thought they were too busy for their children.

Though Jenny Sanford, South Carolina's first lady, maintains a busy schedule, she never considers herself too busy for her children.  Mrs. Sanford lived the rat race of New York City banking, braved the long nights of political campaigning, and strives through strategical planning in the Governor’s Mansion.  No matter what tasks fill the day, Mrs. Sanford has time for her four boys.

Sanford Family"All women have balancing acts," Mrs. Sanford says about her hectic schedule.  Mrs. Sanford also admits, "Raising children is difficult."  Therefore, she takes seriously her mothering responsibilities, and as with all things in life, Mrs. Sanford gives her best.  “I’ve watched [my mom] deal with cancer,” Jenny Sanford says, “She’s taught me to fight.  My mom is my inspiration.”

Balancing demands prioritizing, and Mrs. Sanford makes motherhood a high priority.  Consequently, Mrs. Sanford unashamedly admits that she often refuses speaking opportunities because of a soccer game.  Undoubtedly, Mrs. Sanford cherishes her time with her boys.

Mrs. Sanford’s fondest memories as a mother include the simple joys of sitting on the couch and walking through the farm.  “During informal times,” she advises, “you share the most.”  These casual setting become great teaching opportunities for Mrs. Sanford, in which she strives to instill integrity, work ethics, and Christian character in her sons.

"Children are a gift of the Lord."  Mrs. Sanford quotes Psalm 127:3 saying that this verse helps her better understand the importance of her relationship with her children, God's gifts.  With urgency in her voice, Mrs. Sanford goes on to say, "You teach them when they are young."  Children grow up too quickly, and an understanding mother knows that she only gets one shot at raising a child.  Mulligans and restarts do not exist for child rearing.

Mother’s Day in the Governor’s Mansion is a special day.  If for no other reason, the day will be special because Marshall, Landon, Bolton, and Blake have a mother who is in love with them.

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Nice commentary Benj. We often overlook the little pleasentries that 'Moms' can bring us. Thanks . . .

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