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October 28, 2007 | South Carolina Headlines


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Why Advertise with South Carolina Headlines?

  • South Carolina Headlines is a part of the growing community.
  • This site is targeted for residents of South Carolina. It is aimed at South Carolina opinion leaders.
  • Readers from around the world visit South Carolina Headlines as they come from other members of the network.
  • It is a great way to show your support to a fellow South Carolina citizen who is maintaining this site as a labor of love.

Advertising Options

Rotating Banner Ad

This banner appears at the top of every South Carolina Headlines page. This ad gives the greatest exposure on the site. It may be either text or an image.

Rotating Column Ad

This vertical ad appears in various locations on every page. It is a good value as a starter ad and also to supplement a Rotating Banner Ad. It may be either text or an image.

Other Options

You may also wish to purchase add-ons to your banner purchases. Such options include advertisements in emails served to opt-in members and informational columns about your business or organization.


Contact South Carolina Headlines for a rate sheet. Typical advertising cost is based on cost per impression rate. An impression is one display of the advertising image. Of course, the more impressions you purchase, the better deal you will get.

You can extend your exposure by purchasing additional impressions once you near the end of your "bank." When you purchase an ad, you will be given a link that will allow you to see how your ad is being used. If you see that you are nearing the end of your bank, you can add more by purchasing additional impressions at a discount.

You can create your own ad or have South Carolina Headlines design and build the ad for you. The cost for this design is a reasonable additional fee. You don't even have to have a graphic ad, text ad options are also available.

Contact the editor and start supporting South Carolina Headlines with your advertising today!

  South Carolina Headlines
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