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June 3, 2006 | South Carolina Headlines


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Border Control: Fence? We don't need no sticking fence!
Benj Buck
May 18, 2006

For those who want to fence in America, think through the issue for just a moment. 

CLIMBERSAmerica currently has fenced in areas.  Newscasts often show those barriers.  Critique, check out the videos one more time.  I don't have any specific newscast in mind.  I'm sure if you were to watch three videos, two (if not all three) of them would prove my point.  Every time I've seen photage on those barriers, one event seems to be taking place.  The event--illegals climbing the barrier.  The other night I noticed this on our local new coverage.  This morning I saw it again, and thought, "Some people actually think barriers will do the trick."

Let's be honest.

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