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October 25, 2006 | South Carolina Headlines


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 :: Jimmy Moore
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 Jimmy Moore :: Biography
Jimmy Moore has been a regular contributing writer for since December 2001 and is regularly featured on, Men's News Daily and SC Hotline.

He received his B.A. in Political Science & English from the University of Tennessee at Martin in 1992 and his M.A. in Public Policy from Regent University in 2002.

Jimmy currently lives in Spartanburg with his wife and three cats. He has been an active participant in politics since his father ran for sheriff in Tennessee in 1986. He has served as the Communications Director for the Spartanburg County Republican Party since November 2003 and has been a consultant in various South Carolina political races since 2002.

He has been employed as a customer relations specialist at a major corporation in Spartanburg since June 2002 and is the South Carolina GOPUSA Editor.

Jimmy also has a blog entitled Livin' La Vida Low-Carb, which details his 180-pound weight loss on the Atkins diet in 2004.† He was the grand prize winner of WORD radio talk show host Ralph Bristol's "Incredible Shrinking Ton" contest and has had his writings featured on the Atkins web site, among others.† He is currently writing a book entitled (what else!) "Livin' La Vida Low-Carb" about his weight loss experience to be released in the Fall 2005.

He is active in his local church where he sings in the choir and teaches Sunday school.† His hobbies include working out at the YMCA, playing basketball and volleyball, listening and singing Christian music and, of course, writing.

 Jimmy Moore :: Archives
  May 2003  
Tax Cuts Will Impact SC 5/30/2003
Dems Criticize Bush on Security 5/28/2003
Translating Liberalese Into English 5/22/2003
Ending Judicial Obstruction 5/19/2003
They Look Like Taxes To Me 5/16/2003
An E-mail From Gov. Sanford 5/15/2003
Letís Copy The Democrats Today 5/14/2003
Poll Artificially Props Condon 5/7/2003
Bennett Gambles His Credibility 5/5/2003
Spartanburg GOP Event A Success 5/2/2003
American Volunteerism 5/1/2003
   April | Current Month | June > > >  

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