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October 25, 2006 | South Carolina Headlines


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Politics 2005: Biggest Blunders
Benj Buck
December 28, 2005

The Worlds Largest Fireworks!  During my Christmas travels I saw such claims numerous times up and down Interstate 75.  But then again, I was told by a pyro-tech in the upstate that he owned the biggest warehouse in the world.  The biggest, largest, and best... by whose definition? Here's my attempt to list the three biggest blunders, with an honorable mention, in South Carolina Politics for 2005.  Arguable for sure.

HONORABLE MENTION:  Michael Covington, ex-deputy director at the DOT, took creative jabs at Gov. Mark Sanford in a "Spelling Song." This summer Covington created quite a stir with lyrics that poked at Gov. Mark Sanford's job.  The fun resulted in a new job and slight pay cut for Covington.

3.  Phil Bailey's, executive director of the Senate Democratic Caucus, intolerable comments toward a candidate in his own party, and attempt to attack former Governor Campbell with disrespectable timing.  The report states that Bailey attempted to anonymously comment on a popular state blog.  Anonymously?  Starting or participating on political web sites under an alias shows a character flaw. Cowards!  If a statement is worth stating then give your name. If you're afraid the statement/site will get you in trouble, keep your mouth shut.

2.  Lindsey Graham's move with the Gang of 14 distanced himself from his conservative constituents.  In order to prevent filibusters, Graham seemed to give the power of decision to a handful of Democrats.  To date, it seems that the feared worse case scenario will not take place. However, did Graham loose the confidence needed to win in a primary against the likes of Thomas Ravenel?

1.  Domestic Violence jokes went a little too far this spring.  Some legislatures joked that a bill should be called "Pop Her." Adding insult to injury, the domestic violence issue was tabled while lawmakers focused on ways to protect roosters in illegal Cock Fights. However, several months later, Governor Sanford signed a bill to stiffen punishment for domestic violence.

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Lindsey Graham's conservative constituents? Why does he need to please conservatives? He knows you will vote for him. The Gang was a hit with moderates, who decide the elections. From the looks of it, Sen. . . .

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