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June 3, 2006 | South Carolina Headlines


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The Butcher from Nevada a.k.a. Frank the Zappar
Mike Cubelo
December 13, 2005

During this holiday season of generouse spirit, we want to acknowledge those who convey Christ's unselfish treatment of others.

Well, then there's Frank from Nevada.

It may be the brothels that tempt him. Or, the casinos that devil him.

Based on a recent article, he sounded lonely and in need of some companionship. He does not even have a dog or a stuffed animal to bed with.

So, in the holiday and even Christmas spirit, let's pity Frank.

His desperate state has left him in a censorship anger.

He deletes xmas greetings, wonderful compliments from non-believers, and kudos to his mommy and daddy who obviously have regrets.

His only friend is an imposter who cannot reveal his own name - but, hey we all need some warm body at some point even if the imposter must wear a mask to bed.

Frank needs to be visited by those Dickens' ghosts to show him the value of Christ and the freedom of speech.

What would the world be like without Frank?

Obviously, we would all miss those blank posting from a range of folks zapped of their content by Frank.

But, there is even more that we would miss.

Not sure what that would be but give Frank more censorship time and we will all know.

A Merry Pity to Frank, the Zapper of Nevada.



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A Merry Christmas to you! . . .

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