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The Butcher from Nevada a.k.a. Frank the Zappar
Vic from Simpsonville writes:
12/16/2005 8:12:46 AM
Frank doesn't need a forum; he needs a blog. Then folks can offer comments on his content and he can keep the ones which please him and DEL the rest.
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Andrew from Clemson, SC writes:
12/16/2005 2:21:26 AM

Please chill. I mean, I sympathize, but c'mon. There is a place for what you want, but for whatever his reasons, Jonathan has chosen not to make this a Sunday School discussion group.

I'm not sure about the problems with extracting your site from TCV, but it seems to me that if you owe Jonathan and TCV so little, you could go do your own thing. There is technology out there, you could even password protect it so that you alone could screen your members. Noone will spend the energy to chase you down.

If, on the other hand, it losing the brand equity in your My Nevada Voice, or whatever it is (I know that's not what it is, but it makes more sense and has better consonance), then if you are right it's already gone and you need to start over anyway.

The internet is a miracle. From my point of view, content just magically appears. Noone has to be paid to do it. No government program required to assure equal access or fair and balanced content.

It's getting better every day. Jonathan may even come up with a solution in due time.

Here's another option. Leave MNV up and use it to learn to debate with the likes of Mike and Haywood. Only about 2% of the people will actually post, but so what. If your people cannot handle them, how on earth will they make it in real competition?

Leaving you with a final thought; our respective philosophical forefathers produced their beliefs with relatively little challenge and have had hundreds of years to create the philosophies that each of us emulate. That's a long time to build up the foundations of conflict and we are nearing the time when a minor conflict can competely eradicate humans from the earth. If there is hope for the world it is right here. If we can't resolve conflicts by talking, we are just postponing the inevitible.

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Andrew from Clemson, SC writes:
12/15/2005 11:24:31 PM
Am I imagining things?

What was up with the name that I think used to be on the authorship of this post, AdamMCubelo or something like that.

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Mike from Greenville writes:
12/14/2005 8:42:45 PM
It turns out that Frank is one of those desert jc folks continuing to wander around for 40 days in search of sinful posts.

But, like many jc folks who claim purer standards, he does not live up to his own expectations for others.

Yep, he's the typical churchgoer hypocrite with a tax deduction.

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Haywood from Greenville writes:
12/14/2005 3:53:42 PM
"Lordy, Lordy. Is anyone really that thick?"

Yes. Wonder what's wrong with him?

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Frank from Boulder City, NV writes:
12/14/2005 1:16:30 PM
Me too! Time for my morning nap.
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Vic from Simpsonville writes:
12/14/2005 1:09:36 PM
Frank from Boulder City writes:

"Nope, it isn't hypocritical at all."

Lordy, Lordy. Is anyone really that thick?

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Frank from Boulder City, NV writes:
12/14/2005 1:04:00 PM
Vic has spoken thusly: "Vic from Simpsonville writes:
12/14/2005 12:57:24 PM

Crying? There's no crying the CV forum, Frank. And seldom any censorship. We enjoy this; that's the point. You are the one with the apparent problem.
But, even you have to admit it's a hypocritical point of view to engage in the sort of exchange you won't allow others'

Nope, it isn't hypocritical at all. My purpose is to give you guys better than you gave spades. It is my hope that you will in the future read the headline articles on which you comment and see their source. Failing the ability to do that much cognitive reading, if it is about Nevada, please keep your thoughts to yourself.

Why, you may ask? Because you keep people in Nevada from wanting to post comments as they do not wish to be attacked. Can you please underztand that?

I declare a break...for myself. You can go on without me if you so desire.

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Frank from Boulder City, NV writes:
12/14/2005 12:59:45 PM
Hayseed said: "Haywood from Greenville writes:
12/14/2005 12:56:26 PM

What article? He can't be this stupid? Can he? What's wrong with him? No wonder he's so angry all the time."

Yes, I can be that stupid. I really am not aware of any article written by Mike.

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Vic from Simpsonville writes:
12/14/2005 12:57:24 PM
Crying? There's no crying the CV forum, Frank. And seldom any censorship. We enjoy this; that's the point. You are the one with the apparent problem.

But, even you have to admit it's a hypocritical point of view to engage in the sort of exchange you won't allow others.

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Haywood from Greenville writes:
12/14/2005 12:56:26 PM
What article? He can't be this stupid? Can he? What's wrong with him? No wonder he's so angry all the time.
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Frank from Boulder City, NV writes:
12/14/2005 12:55:06 PM
It was me who wrote the article.
I did it because you are not moderate in your moderation.
And, I wanted those who were censored by you to be able to expess their true feelings about you.

What article did you write Mike? I'm not at all aware of you writing any article...only putrid comments to what someone else has written.

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Haywood from Greenville writes:
12/14/2005 12:54:31 PM
Actually Vic that's not true. No one that I've seen, posted anything even close to the kind of material he's posting. 90% of the posts of mine that he deleted were in the form of "Merry Christmas" or "Have a good afternoon Frank". There other ones were where I simply asked for an explanation as to why Mike was censored and then when I tried to get it through his thick skull that his threads on the forum page have nothing indicating they came from his site, that was deleted to. I'm not sure he was ever able to wrap his brain around that one.
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Frank from Boulder City, NV writes:
12/14/2005 12:53:46 PM
Vic from Simpsonville writes:
12/14/2005 12:49:23 PM

Frank, are you capable of grasping the simple, delicious, O. Henry-esque irony in the fact that you are posting precisely the same sort of shoe scrapings that YOU would censor out of the MNN forum?

I don't miss that point at all Vic. I am glad to duke it out with you guys on your home turf and with the support of all of your homies. I would not allow the kind of posts that I have just written but the point is that here I can meet you on your own terms. So quit crying.

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Mike from Greenville writes:
12/14/2005 12:50:36 PM
It was me who wrote the article.
I did it because you are not moderate in your moderation.
And, I wanted those who were censored by you to be able to expess their true feelings about you.

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Haywood from Greenville writes:
12/14/2005 12:50:14 PM
Nope. Sorry. Still not making sense - unless someone is forcing you to be here. Try again. I'm very patient and I'm here to help.
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Vic from Simpsonville writes:
12/14/2005 12:49:23 PM
Frank, are you capable of grasping the simple, delicious, O. Henry-esque irony in the fact that you are posting precisely the same sort of shoe scrapings that YOU would censor out of the MNN forum?
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Frank from Boulder City, NV writes:
12/14/2005 12:49:01 PM
Haywood from Greenville writes:
12/14/2005 12:46:45 PM

Frank try and make sense. We're doing our best to understand your concerns but you have to make rational statements. Try again. We're listening.
Oh yeah, Happy Holidays.

Big deal: and I'm here for you, too, but I would rather not be.
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Haywood from Greenville writes:
12/14/2005 12:46:45 PM
Frank try and make sense. We're doing our best to understand your concerns but you have to make rational statements. Try again. We're listening.

Oh yeah, Happy Holidays.

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Frank from Boulder City, NV writes:
12/14/2005 12:46:14 PM
Haywood from Greenville writes:
12/14/2005 12:43:20 PM

The guy's clearly lonely. Maybe we should pray for him.

And to whom do your pray? Satan?

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Vic from Simpsonville writes:
12/14/2005 12:45:43 PM
Frank from Boulder City writes:

"Translation: you have no moderation. We do. Besides which, here I am only another redneck."

No, we simply don't get our undergarments in wads over dissenting opinion. We do not fear words. Jonathon has a much higher tolerance for lively debate. You need to investigate the difference between a forum and a blog.

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Frank from Boulder City, NV writes:
12/14/2005 12:44:59 PM
Hayseed pontificated: "Frank equates seasons greetings with crap. Now wonder he's so grumpy. He's the Grinch."

Wrongo idjit: if I were the Grinch, I would only wish to steal your typing fingers and put them where they could type no more of your drivel.

What's the matter with you guys? Can't take your own medicine? Used to handing it out but just can't take it, eh?

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Haywood from Greenville writes:
12/14/2005 12:43:20 PM
The guy's clearly lonely. Maybe we should pray for him.
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Vic from Simpsonville writes:
12/14/2005 12:42:11 PM
Somebody has an unhealthy obsession with scatalogical references, don't he?
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Frank from Boulder City, NV writes:
12/14/2005 12:41:52 PM
Good work, there, Crank. Come to the SC forum and post the kinda stuff that gets you spraying spit and gnawing the upholstery when it's posted on your MNN forum. We are not ruled by fear out here, so your comments will not likely be censored. Have a ball.

Translation: you have no moderation. We do. Besides which, here I am only another redneck.

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Haywood from Greenville writes:
12/14/2005 12:40:43 PM
Frank equates seasons greetings with crap. Now wonder he's so grumpy. He's the Grinch.
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Frank from Boulder City, NV writes:
12/14/2005 12:38:01 PM
You know what Hayseed? I have just figured out why such crap always comes out of you: you must have had your fundament grafted to where you mouth should be. Be sure to wipe your mouth after you post some of your excrement.
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Vic from Simpsonville writes:
12/14/2005 12:36:44 PM
Good work, there, Crank. Come to the SC forum and post the kinda stuff that gets you spraying spit and gnawing the upholstery when it's posted on your MNN forum. We are not ruled by fear out here, so your comments will not likely be censored. Have a ball.
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Haywood from Greenville writes:
12/14/2005 12:35:26 PM
Seasons Greetings Frank.
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Frank from Boulder City, NV writes:
12/14/2005 12:30:51 PM
Where is he? Surely you do not pretend to lay claim to that. You are demonstrably an idjit.
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Haywood from Greenville writes:
12/14/2005 12:29:04 PM
Happy Holidays Frank. Don't beat your wife just because some guy on the internet is smarter than you.
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Frank from Boulder City, NV writes:
12/14/2005 12:24:45 PM
Where are you haywoodie? Bring it on. I will fight you on your own terms and on your own happy pooping ground. It is high time that someone put an end to your hyjinks. You are messing with the wrong guy now.
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Haywood from Greenville writes:
12/14/2005 12:24:18 PM
Frank you're clearly not very bright, but actually Mike started the thread with his post, just as you started a similiar thread yesterday with a similiar post which you later removed. You are the liar my friend - and you're just kind of a weirdo too.

Since you deleted the following every other time I've posted it, I want to make sure you don't miss this comment again. Happy Holidays Frank. Merry Xmas Frank. Seasons Greetings Frank. Happy New Year Frank.

Now go get some help before you hurt yourself. You said yesterday you were thrilled not to have anyone from South Carolina posting on your forum so why are you here? This thread doesn't post to your lameass Nevada forum.

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Frank from Boulder City, NV writes:
12/14/2005 12:22:54 PM
Frank sez: "How did you get this way?"

Oh, I know: because you have been allowed to run rampant, say any off the wall thing that you wish and generally terrorize the SC countryside.

Get a life Hayseed.

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Frank from Boulder City, NV writes:
12/14/2005 12:20:52 PM
Hayseed sez: " I thought you hated us and here you are posting."

More male bovine excrement. I don't even hate you. This statement of yours is another figment of your misguided imagination.

How did you get this way? Can't anyone help you?
I have a friend there who will come to your house and counsel with you. Please send your address.

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Frank from Boulder City, NV writes:
12/14/2005 12:13:29 PM
Haywood from Greenville writes:
12/14/2005 12:08:17 PM

Frank care to prove any one of those allegations here in a thread you have no ability to censor? You're not actually saying you didn't post the article I mentioned are you? And what are you doing posting on the TCV site anyway? I thought you hated us and here you are posting.

Idjit: you have the cart before the horse. You made the accusation and I called you a liar. Where is your proof/ I am posting here for the very first time as someone alerted to me that you had started a new compost pile. I am well aware, just as you, that there is no moderation here. On my site, the only moderation that I can do is to edit your male bovine excrement.

But make no mistake: I really do like you...when you keep your fat mouth shut.

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1 from Defunct writes:
12/14/2005 12:11:01 PM
I can't believe you are stooping to Haywoods level.

Welcome to SC, you fit right in.

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Haywood from Greenville writes:
12/14/2005 12:08:17 PM
Frank care to prove any one of those allegations here in a thread you have no ability to censor? You're not actually saying you didn't post the article I mentioned are you? And what are you doing posting on the TCV site anyway? I thought you hated us and here you are posting.
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Frank from Boulder City, NV writes:
12/14/2005 11:57:54 AM

You are a liar, an agitator, troublemaker, troll and outright idjit...for starters.

Glad though to see you start this fiction thread with humor overtures. It beats the heck out of anything that you have penned in the past.

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Haywood from Greenville writes:
12/14/2005 11:48:57 AM
Well apparently so. Did you see the two line article Frank wrote bashing everyone from the Common Voice?
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1 from Defunct writes:
12/14/2005 11:45:28 AM
Geez, they will let anybody around here write an article won't they.
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Jean from Boulder City, NV writes:
12/14/2005 11:26:13 AM
A Merry Christmas to you!
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Haywood from Greenville writes:
12/13/2005 10:28:18 PM
Happy Holidays Frank. Hang in there buddy.
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Mike from Greenville writes:
12/13/2005 10:08:46 PM
Poor Frank.

Nevada is not a way station to heaven for him.

At least, the website ain't.

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