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October 25, 2006 | South Carolina Headlines


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No, Mr. Falwell, Don't Do It!
Jonathan Pait
November 11, 2004

Well, I read today that Jerry Falwell is seeking to resurrect the Moral Majority.  I would really rather that it remain buried.

Please, don't do it. The cool thing about this last election and the focus on value issues was the fact that it sprung from individuals and not a "coalition." Not only that, it was a surprise. No organization could lay claim to the "movement." Let's not try to force folks into a mold with which they may not be comfortable. I'm for standing up and opening your mouth as much as the next guy, but sometimes I think we organize our passion too much. When we organize it can sometimes stifle a groundswell.

It is also true that these value voters are not very clearly defined.  The more we learn about the exit poll results the more we find that they stretched across all sorts of demographical lines.  Really, no one party could lay claim to them.  No single issue could be defined -- though it has been tagged as the pro-marriage amendment issue.

I am excited that there appears to be an awakened interest in "values."  However, I am not sure yet what those values are.  I wouldn't jump too quickly to a conclusion that they are held by the type of people who once made up the Moral Majority.

Let the Church get about the business of the Gospel.  That is not to say that we must remain silent in matters of culture, morals and politics.  However, lets not get side-tracked again with the desire to make politics our saviour.  The government is not the source of our power.  God is.

So, Mr. Falwell, lets let the organizations that had been taking part in the values argument keep doing their thing. We don't need a resurrection of the Moral Majority. I don't want a "leader" to pop up and claim he has dibs on the myriad of folks who expressed their wills at the ballot box. Doing so will serve more to strangle the flow than to strengthen it.

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Jonathan, I could not agree with you more. One of the focuses of my thesis project for my Master's Degree was to see why groups such as the Christian Coalition have failed to make a measurable difference in elections. . . .

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