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June 3, 2006 | South Carolina Headlines


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Republicans, is it time to jump ship?
Andrew from Clemson, SC writes:
3/28/2006 4:03:04 PM
Nascar fans? Well, they are encouraged to vote too aren't they. That's democracy. It's a hoot.

Mike, I'm pretty sure that most of the soldiers and their families will vote Republican. Unfortunately. They think to be military supporters there is only one choice. Fer 'em or agin 'em. Besides, voting Democrat would make their sacrifice a meaningless waste.

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Laird from Simpsonville writes:
3/27/2006 11:53:45 PM
I agree; it's a pretty ugly list. Couldn't we at least have "other" or "none of the above" as options?
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Joe from Edisto Island writes:
3/26/2006 10:44:41 PM
What's with the "Daily Poll" question on the right column?

If the list was limited to CONSERVATIVE Republicans, it would have included Condi Rice in the list and excluded RINO McCain and Liberal Guiliani.

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Haywood from Greenville writes:
3/26/2006 9:28:40 PM
James what is the name of your home planet?
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James from Bennettsville writes:
3/26/2006 1:12:06 PM
It should not be a surprise to you. The liberal Democrats have been outed numerous times voting dead people. But that should not make a difference because in all essence you all are dead.
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Mike from Greenville writes:
3/26/2006 12:19:00 PM
Yes, James, it will never happen.
Because the soldiers are dead due to W!

Your entire point was nonsense (dead voting?) which, I guess, is no surprise coming from you.

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James from Bennettsville writes:
3/26/2006 8:03:55 AM
That would never happen. They are honest,law abiding folk who cared for their country. For some reason are other it is the Liberal Democrats who do not want the military to be able to vote,wonder why Mikey!
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Pam from Greenville writes:
3/26/2006 4:16:23 AM
Joe Wrote:
Interesting polling stats... Sanford (53% approval) beats out Taxachusetts' Gov. Mitt Romney (41% approval) by 12 points and its ROMNEY that wants to be the next President!

Sanford just needs to step up to the plate. I'll definitely be happy to add my voice to the cheering section.
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Pam from Greenville writes:
3/26/2006 4:13:34 AM
I don't know about dead people, but felons are sure hot to vote for Dems from their prison cells.
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Mike from Greenville writes:
3/25/2006 5:46:00 PM
Well, if 2400 dead soldiers could vote, I'm sure they will vote Democrat.
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James from Bennettsville writes:
3/25/2006 4:13:43 PM
100% of all the dead folks that vote, vote for a Democrat!
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Haywood from Greenville writes:
3/24/2006 11:37:29 AM
And 97% of Nascar fans support him.
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Joe from Edisto Island writes:
3/24/2006 10:59:34 AM
Interesting polling stats... Sanford (53% approval) beats out Taxachusetts' Gov. Mitt Romney (41% approval) by 12 points and its ROMNEY that wants to be the next President!

Of course 12% of the respondents to the Sanford poll looked up during an Oprah commercial break and replied;

"Mark Sanford? Who's Mark Sanford?

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Andrew from Clemson, SC writes:
3/24/2006 10:20:31 AM
Will of the people?

As of 05/10/05 Sanford popularity 53 approve, 35 disapprove

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Laird from Simpsonville writes:
3/23/2006 10:54:19 PM
Actually, Joe, in the original story Robin Hood "stole" from the Sheriff of Nottingham (the tax collector), and returned it to the people. He wasn't a thief, he was a tax-cutter doing his part to constrain a rapacious government. Unfortunately, the story has been corrupted to make him into some kind of socialist, which he most assuredly was not.
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Joe from Edisto Island writes:
3/23/2006 9:39:30 PM
"So you're opposed to politicians doing the will of the people?" - Haywood

'Will of the people'? You gotta be kidding!

Yeah, Robin Hood was also very popular...But he still was a thief.

Once elected, these politicians of both parties, figure out that robbing one "small" group so that what is stolen can be distributed to a larger group, you obviously call that "the will of the people".

Yes, I oppose Robin Hood and all that he stands for.

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Haywood from Greenville writes:
3/23/2006 3:47:14 PM
So you're opposed to politicians doing the will of the people? No wonder you support Sanfraud.
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Joe from Edisto Island writes:
3/23/2006 1:53:15 PM
"The reason so many people around here go back and forth from one party to the other is because many people who would be considered conservative in any other part of the country are considered liberal here only because they aren't fundamentalist Christians" - Haywood

Another reason is that often the Republican candidate will run on what appears to be a Libertarian-esq platform, only to vote like a Democrat once gaining office.

But then, that strategy obviously works as virtually all of the incumbents in this state are always reelected. So I guess they are doing what their constituents want... i.e. make sure the highest numbers of voters receive benefits from their elected agents of plunder.

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Haywood from Greenville writes:
3/23/2006 12:25:45 PM
"Has anyone else noticed that several Democratic candidates for office this cycle have conveniently left their party affiliations off their websites?"

She must not frequent very many congressional web sites then. They hardly ever mention their party on the site. They mention the issues they support.

"Currently though, I am a registered GOPer and at this point will continue to support the party."

How is that possible since you live in South Carolina?

"To be perfectly honest, my hope does not reside in the Republican Party. I will always vote for the candidate, regardless of race or party, that I feel best fits the need."

Yet you just criticized others who do that. It sounds like you're against the people who don't adhere to strict party affiliation then you contradict that when it comes to yourself. It's unfortunate that people look down on anyone who would do what they think is best on each issue, instead of just voting for the party. This is what evangelicals do. They vote republican no matter what because so many of them have the Jimmy Moore philosophy that Christians can't be democrats. Then along comes a group like the neo-cons who put forth a puppet president with evangelical leanings and get the evangelicals to vote them into office even though they don't actually stand for anything that evangelicals stand for. If it weren't so serious it'd be comical seeing how easily Bush and Co. has manipulated those people. It's a simple tactic. Need support for the war? Pretend you're going to pass an amendment against gay marriage. Need to increase spending? Nominate a pro-life justice with no qualifications.

The reason so many people around here go back and forth from one party to the other is because many people who would be considered conservative in any other part of the country are considered liberal here only because they aren't fundamentalist Christians. In Greenville, you have two factions in office. The fundamentalists and the conservative Republicans, who the fundamentalists call liberals.

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Daily Poll

Which story are you most tired of?

Senator William Jefferson accepts bribe.
Barbaro breaks a leg in Preakness.
Hayden to lead CIA.
Bird flue scare.
The search for Jimmy Hoffa's remains.

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