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Why Do Republicans Scream about the Dean Scream?
Mike from Greenville writes:
6/28/2005 11:12:08 PM
The only sound given to us by the GOP majority is the sound of lids closing on coffins in Iraq.

Guess that sound is muffled by the quiet interiors of SUVs driven by obese white GOP christians.

Too bad these chubby GOP folks are not driving SUVs in Baghdad.

Then, our soldiers would be home within a week.

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Joe from Edisto Island writes:
6/28/2005 1:50:13 PM
"If DeLay is so innocent, why did he have to purge the Ethics Committee?" Plantation Massah Comrade Mikey

To rid the committee of those two basic Democratic tenants that we discussed earlier; bigotry & corruption.

By the way, can you do the Dean Scream again? It really does make me laugh!

And after that, please make that squeely pig sound that Democrats are so good at. You know... thats the sound they make when they don't like the plan proposed by the "opposing party" but don't have a clue as to what their own solution is to pending issues.


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Mike from Greenville writes:
6/28/2005 10:58:47 AM
Hey, Sanford Slave Joe, you gotta come up with your own lines and stop using mine. Can't you be as creative as you are in avoiding combat?

If DeLay is so innocent, why did he have to purge the Ethics Committee?

Even with a GOP majority, he, like you, are cowards when it comes to personal accountability.

Typical of you JC preachers who don't practice.

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Joe from Edisto Island writes:
6/28/2005 8:33:05 AM

"How can DeLay be charged or even investigated when he purged the Ethics Comm and put his cronies in charge?" - Massah Mikey

I seem to recall that it was two Washington Post reporters that got the goods on Nixon, culminating in his resignation.

If DeLay is so bad, why is it that the press has been unable to find anything on DeLay?

Could it possibly be that 70% of the other congresscritters were guilty of the same travel reporting violations that DeLay is alleged to have committed is the reason why nothing is being done by the press or anyone else?

You are really stretching here Mikey. You can do better.



"Lott didn't even agree to apologize for the Senate history of ignoring the lynchings around them." - Massah Mikey

Maybe that's because Sen. Robert "Sheets" Byrd was still holding a rope under his hood.

"You are so deluded with your conservative doctrine that you actually compare a scream with bigotry and corruption." - Massah Mikey

Really? How was I comparing that hilarious scream with two of the basic Democratic tenants (i.e. bigotry & corruption)?

What I said was: "...the 'Dean Scream' makes me laugh. I think Howard Dean... and his comrade Little Dick Durban... are the two best things going for the GOP!"

Your values are gutter level.

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Mike from Greenville writes:
6/27/2005 3:57:58 PM
How can DeLay be charged or even investigated when he purged the Ethics Comm and put his cronies in charge?

Lott didn't even agree to apologize for the Senate history of ignoring the lynchings around them.

You are so deluded with your conservative doctrine that you actually compare a scream with bigotry and corruption.

Your values are gutter level.

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Joe from Edisto Island writes:
6/27/2005 11:46:14 AM
Dirty Delay and Secessionist Trent Lott???

Is Delay Dirty because you say so? If he's guilty of something, charge him.

Is Lott a Secessionist because his off the record comment to a senator that served with George Washington and John Adams? :- )

Please read my article: "The Apology Senator Lott SHOULD Have Given!"


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W. Andrew from Greenville writes:
6/27/2005 9:32:02 AM
Joe...since your side has Dirty Delay and Secessionist Trent Lott in Washington not to mention those chearing from the sidelines, like Glutton Jerry Falwell, having Durban and Dean is the least we can do. And then on the local level, we have yet to find anyone who can match Republicans Mike Fair and John Graham Altman...which produces an ironic twist to the freedom loving Republican platform about what you can and cannot beat behind closed doors?

As Yoda would say, "proud, you must be."

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Mike from Greenville writes:
6/27/2005 12:00:54 AM
The only squealing is from Republicans who now know that Dean was right all along about the wasteful war.

Dean's scream was truer than W's flight suit and claims of WMD.

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John from Greenville writes:
6/26/2005 11:57:27 PM
When Mike is squealing louder than Pork and Barrel, something positive has to be happening.

Mike, why it is the Republicans are celebrating Howard Dean's visit to our fine state, while Democrats are running for the hills for fear they may have their picture taken with him?


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Joe from Edisto Island writes:
6/26/2005 10:35:32 PM
Actually, the 'Dean Scream' makes me laugh. I think Howard Dean... and his comrade Little Dick Durban... are the two best things going for the GOP!

:- )

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Mike from Greenville writes:
6/26/2005 8:14:24 PM
Those SC Repubs have those cowardly screams...
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