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Where is The Rapture when you need it?
Mike from Greenville writes:
11/11/2005 10:52:04 AM
Once again, that is an individual decision.

The motivation to avoid fighting in an unnecessary war trumps your little greedy motivation and wallet obsession.

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Joe from Edisto Island writes:
11/11/2005 8:26:31 AM
"Just because you as an individual does not believe it is fair, it does not absolve you of your responsibility to the rest of us. Your greed and selfishness does not override your community responsibility." - Comrade Mikey

Exactly Comrade. So when the group decides to go to war, and also decides to subjigate it's citizens as conscripts, you said you would be the "greedy and selfish" turncoat that would go over the wall to Canada at the first hint of a draft.

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Mike from Greenville writes:
11/10/2005 7:24:46 PM
Take out the word "democracy" and you have a group of people who get together and elect leaders who set the rules to live by.

If one of those people do not want to contribute what is considered the established amount, then that person is the greedy, selfish renegade.

Just because you as an individual does not believe it is fair, it does not absolve you of your responsibility to the rest of us.

Your greed and selfishness does not override your community responsibility.

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Joe from Edisto Island writes:
11/10/2005 9:01:59 AM
"...there is certainly a difference in proportion between going to war and paying your tax bill. You greedy, selfish libertarians don't quite understand that." - Comrade Mikey

I understand that whether it's my money or my life that the state demands of me, if I'm not volunteering to surrender it, then its theft.

You, on the other hand, will use "democracy" as your excuse to reach into the pockets of others and remove their taxes, yet if that same democracy demands that you to surrender your freedom by mandating internment in your government's military, you've claimed that you would be among the first batch of slaves to try to escape the plantation.

So tell me, which is the true manifestation of greed; not giving up your freedom and possibly your life? Or not giving up the fruits of your labor?

My claim is that there is little difference.

You, on the other hand, somehow feel no allegiance to that which you create... only to preserving your life as a slave on... or off... the gummit's plantation.

"There is the great, silent, continuous struggle: the struggle between the State and the Individual; between the State which demands and the individual who attempts to evade such demands. Because the individual, left to himself... always refuses to pay taxes, obey laws, or go to war." -Benito Mussolini

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Mike from Greenville writes:
11/9/2005 10:46:29 PM

A draft or tax is a legal requirement.

The decision to comply with either one is an individual choice.

However, there is certainly a difference in proportion between going to war and paying your tax bill.

You greedy, selfish libertarians don't quite understand that.

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Joe from Edisto Island writes:
11/9/2005 8:06:28 PM

"A draft will make your family quite eligible and my family will wave farewell to yours. We'll be going to Canada, yours can go to Iraq." - Comrade Mikey... who also said... "Taxation is not theft if you believe in a democratic govt. Laws created by elected reps are enforced if you disobey. Taxes are just one of many laws that you are "forced" to follow."

So I guess if we substitute a draft that was lawfully created by an elected legislature we could have the following statement:

"A (Draft) is valid if you believe in a democratic govt. Laws created by elected reps are enforced if you disobey. A (Draft) is just one of many laws that you are "forced" to follow."

I guess Comrade Mikey is somewhat of a hypocrite in that given the first whiff of a draft his butt will drag his family with him as he flees his civic AND LEGAL responsibility by going over the wall to Canada.

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Mike from Greenville writes:
11/9/2005 11:14:01 AM
Why wait, Andrew?

Volunteer for Iraqi duty and be a role model for me.

I can comfortably wait because W would never subject his twins to the draft.

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Andrew from Clemson, SC writes:
11/8/2005 2:31:12 PM
I know Mike.
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Mike from Greenville writes:
11/8/2005 10:43:27 AM

A draft will make your family quite eligible and my family will wave farewell to yours.

We'll be going to Canada, yours can go to Iraq.

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Andrew from Clemson, SC writes:
11/8/2005 10:01:26 AM
What do you mean by "forced killing?"

Just what I said, aka The Draft.

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Mike from Greenville writes:
11/7/2005 4:27:34 PM

What do you mean by "forced killing?"

You write like W speaks.

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1 from Defunct writes:
11/7/2005 1:01:04 PM
"Especially the ones who believe in talking animals. "

I know Haywood, I believe you!

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Haywood from Greenville writes:
11/7/2005 12:53:05 PM
What is Andrew talking about?

Joseph, the church crowd is easy to snow. Especially the ones who believe in talking animals. That's why they are taken in by charlatans so often.

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Andrew from Clemson, SC writes:
11/7/2005 12:20:04 PM

Why don't you demonstrate your support for forced killing by forcing yourself, your wife and kids to go join the American War in Iraq.

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1 from Defunct writes:
11/7/2005 11:57:54 AM
"Like Noah, we've been telling conservatives how incompetent W is and now look at where we are."

I can't believe I am saying this, but I AGREE with Mike! (poof, the rapture just happened!!)

I voted for Bush in 2000, but NOT in 2004. Believe it or not, Sean Hannity had a big part in that!! After listening to his show for several weeks, I quickly realized he is nothing more than a political ad for the republican party! There was no 'fair and balanced' at all.

There is NO DIFFERENCE between the Republicans and the Democrats, with the exception that the Republicans have the church-crowd SNOWED!! But don't worry, the democrats are attempting that as we speak!

The republican party has decieved the church. I for one am thankful I will not have to answer for their actions.

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Mike from Greenville writes:
11/7/2005 11:20:57 AM
So true, Joseph.

Like Noah, we've been telling conservatives how incompetent W is and now look at where we are.

And the bush twins party on....

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1 from Defunct writes:
11/7/2005 8:33:06 AM
"Now tell us the one about the talking donkey. "

You just did, Haywood ;)

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Haywood from Greenville writes:
11/7/2005 7:40:33 AM
Good one Joseph. Now tell us the one about the talking donkey.
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1 from Defunct writes:
11/7/2005 7:21:10 AM
The people of the day of Noah were laughing and mocking him all during the time Noah was building the ark. Afterall, it did not 'rain' at that time, so everybody thought that Noah was crazy.

Until the rain came, and the waters rose, and then everyone was singing a different tune.

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Mike from Greenville writes:
11/8/2004 11:18:05 AM
Jonathan says,"Getting out of here is looking better and better. You can join us Mike, if you would like."

Can't we just get out of Iraq first?

If jc can do that, I just may reconsider going for that heavenly ride...

A visit by jc to fallujah would be a nice start.

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Jonathan from Greenville writes:
11/8/2004 8:53:27 AM
Getting out of here is looking better and better. You can join us Mike, if you would like. Anyone has the opportunity.

Peace out.

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Robert from Morgantown, WV writes:
11/7/2004 11:53:02 PM
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Haywood from Greenville writes:
11/7/2004 11:41:39 PM
When the rapture occurs, do we heathens get to split the fortunes of James Dobson, Pat Robertson, Robert Tilton, Bob Jones, Oral Roberts and all these other pseudo-moralists? Or will it all go to pay off the debts of the millions of other Christians who were suckered into giving their money to Focus on the Family, the Crystal Cathedral, the 700 Club, the BJU Art Museum, Amway and the local First Baptist "New Building" fund.
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Mike from Greenville writes:
11/7/2004 9:05:29 PM
Optalitus does sound like a biblical name. May have been one of those roman emperors or pharisees who gave the baby jesus a hard time.

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Robert from Morgantown, WV writes:
11/7/2004 2:01:14 PM
So that's what Optalitus is!
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Mike from Greenville writes:
11/7/2004 1:16:24 PM
Being left behind is looking better and better.
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