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October 25, 2006 | South Carolina Headlines


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A Lesson In Patience
Jimmy Moore
December 18, 2001

The Christmas season has been described in a popular holiday song as the "most wonderful time of the year." You know, whoever came up with that lyric didn't have to sit in traffic for nearly an hour just to move 2 miles on the road leading to Westgate Mall! With traffic backed up as far as the eye can see, the roadways of Spartanburg are filled with people trying to get that one last gift for their friends and family (I think somebody forgot to tell the people of Spartanburg that the country is supposed to be in a recession!).

I recently attempted to tackle this traffic monster on my way to the Post Office. It was on a Friday afternoon around 4 oíclock and the traffic seemed to be the worst I had ever seen. Since I was not out "shopping" like most of these people were, I decided to try to get around some of the holiday traffic to get to my final destination (translation: I broke the law!).

What seemed like an innocent strategic move on my part to get around the rush of holiday shoppers led to a traffic ticket from my friendly neighborhood police officer. I remained calm because I knew what I had done was wrong. As I was sitting in the car waiting on my ticket for passing on the right, I realized just how stupid it was to try to beat the traffic. Itís Christmastime after all. People are supposed to be out shopping. People are doing their part to help keep the economy going. This is all worth a little extra inconvenience on my part (if only I had thought of this before breaking the law!).

A word to the wise this season: if you plan to leave a little earlier than you normally would, then you will make it to your holiday destination in plenty of time. And whatever you do, donít break the law! Itís just not worth it! Your patience will save you the heartache that comes with it (for me, itís a $50 ticket!). In the end, you will realize that this really is "the most wonderful time of the year!"

Merry Christmas everyone!

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