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October 25, 2006 | South Carolina Headlines


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Thankful thoughts
Jonathan Pait
November 28, 2002

Today my little family (sans the squirrels) will head across town to the in-laws for Thanksgiving dinner. Writing this article is probably an exercise in futility as far as having people read it! Who is going to be reading on Thanksgiving Day? After I post this article, I know I wonít be!

In another way, it isnít a senseless act. It does a person good to take stock of those things for which he or she is thankful, even if nobody else reads it. Here are some things for which I am thankful. You can post your own in response to this article using the comment feature.

First, I am thankful for what Jesus Christ has done for me. I know we hear a lot about religion and this site has put some focus on what roll religion plays in politics. However, my relationship with Jesus is not a religion. It is not a practice. It is a relationship. I am a sinner and deserve nothing good. Yet, Jesus was willing to come to this earth pay the price for my sin. He paid the penalty that I should pay. I recognize that and called to Him to rescue me. He did and now I live in a reality that I have a daily relationship with God.

Wow, a big thought! God is always in control. God loves me as His own child. What do I have to fear? What hope! What a future!

Second, I am thankful for my family. My wife is a challenge to me. I see in her a return of love to God in response for what He has done for her. Her relationship with God is a reminder to me of how often I allow other things to get in the way of my communion with Him. I could go on and on about the wonderful things about her! I would rank next on my thankfulness meter her incredible patience with me. Iím forever going off in a thousand different directions. I start any number of projects just to find a more interesting one to steal me away. Through it all, she is there helping me pick up the pieces.

Ah, those kids! I am thankful for my two kids. Sometimes you think they are going to drive you crazy, but then the next thing you know they smile or say something that melts your heart. Something that you may not think about, but one reason to be thankful for kids is that they ground you. Children bring along a load of responsibility that makes you have to put your own interests aside. You start learning just how selfish you are and you learn a lot more about selfless giving.

Finally, on the family front, I am thankful for the godly heritage represented by my parents and in-laws. They say that the families of the fifties were a farce. I cannot think of a better life than I had with my parents. I have loving parents. I never heard my dad swear or even speak in anger (I take that back, I remember how angry he was when the neighbors Doberman killed our family dog as we children watched). I heard him get passionate about ideals and things important to him, but I can NEVER remember him raising his voice in anger toward me. I remember once when I made him cry because of my own rebellion, but never did he speak or strike me in anger.

My mother raised my three sisters and me with grace and wisdom. It was my mom who taught me to write cursive. I still can see that first ďJĒ in my mind. She was always there as a stay-at-home mom, only helping out at our school when I moved into third grade. She was there, but she didnít spoil me and made sure I learned the meaning of work. Pervading all of this was her love for things beautiful that I believe was enhanced by her Christian character.

Thanks also to my sisters. In the teen years it is easy to get swept in to some dangerous currents. Several times I nearly got caught in the rapids. Either through direct confrontation or through godly examples, my older sisters played a part in me not drowning! My younger sister has always been an encouragement to me due to her courageous childhood. She had to live from the time she was a baby until she was a teen in a torso cast to straighten her back. Even so, I would dare you to tell her she couldnít do something she wanted to do!

Now, they are all three beautiful ladies (even though they were awful tomboys when we grew up in the country of NC). They share their motherís grace and love for beauty. Once again, they are setting an example for me as they raise their children.

Finally, I am thankful to God for the opportunities He has given me. I have met Presidents and fed the homeless. I have traveled to foreign countries and a small Wyoming towns. I have spoken before thousands and even taken on Bill OíReilly one on one! I have enjoyed working for the best employer I can imagine and I have had an opportunity to follow in my fatherís footsteps to become an entrepreneur. Yes, I have also been able to share my thoughts to the people who read

That brings me to you. I am thankful that you care enough about the issues that face our state to take part in this Web site. I thought it would be the opportunity to spout my mind that would bring the most pleasure. What I have found is the true pleasure has come through the wonderful people I have had an opportunity to meet.

Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!

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