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October 25, 2006 | South Carolina Headlines


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The tide will be on time
Jonathan Pait
June 25, 2002

Bladenboro, North Carolina can be as far removed from South Carolina politics as you can imagine—even though it is only 30 minutes north of the border. Hilton Head Island has its share of politically active people but you will notice a reprieve from the ever-present campaign signs. Besides, who wants to think about politics when you can enjoy a leisurely stroll down the beach with your honey?

The month of June found me in one of those two places. Funny, during one of the most politically important months for our state, I was AWOL. At first I felt almost guilty. Who would be minding the store? This was the time to milk the process for all it was worth to get the word out about CommonVoice.com.

Now that I am back, none of that bothers me. First, I learned that the process goes on regardless of my involvement. I learned that while politics is important; it is not as important as strolling arm in arm with my wife down one of the Palmetto State’s beautiful beaches, pellet gun plinking with my nephews down in Crawly Swamp, watching my little girl having the time of her life in the wading pool or telling nonsensical bedtime stories to my two year-old before he drifts off to sleep at night.

I returned from my vacation with an almost indifference to the process. The names are the same. The issues are the same. The drive to be a part of it all is not.

In that frame of mind, I go to the polls today. I do not see today as a make it or break it day for our state. Regardless of those who win the runoff we will be set for November. I still remain optimistic that our chances during that cool month with colored leaves will bring victory to the conservative cause in South Carolina.

Before we go killing each other, it might be a good idea for everyone to head to their “Bladenboro” and “Hilton Head Island” to rediscover what is really important. At 7:00 PM tonight, what is done is done. We can nurse our grudges and plan revenge. We can bask in our victory and lord it over the competition. We can also face reality and seek to focus on the true “enemy.”

What do I think the outcome will be? I have no idea. The ocean surf is still ringing in my ears. I do know that the tide will be on schedule tomorrow—just like it was today.

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