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October 25, 2006 | South Carolina Headlines


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Help bring Common Voice to the GOP State Convention
Jonathan Pait
April 21, 2002

We have had a gift of $100 designated for placing an ad in the SC GOP Convention program. We are thankful for the support that has been shown to this "spur of the moment" idea. We still need at least $150 more to cover just the cost of the booth. has existed for nearly a year (May 2 is our first anniversary) without advertising. Of course, this means that has been funded out of pocket by the editor and by volunteer help.

Now we want to spread the word about the site. Can't think of a better place than at the BBQ and Candidate Forum Friday night before the Convention. We would like to have a booth to spread the word and to give a chance for readers to get together to see who else is enjoying the site.

You can help. Would you be willing to sponsor the booth or to give an outright gift to make it happen? The booth itself is $250 and it would be great to be able to create and publish some material to help promote. Any amount would be appreciated. The booth must be reserved by April 24.

Also, we will be introducing a new look to that will feature advertising space. Anyone who will give up to $250 will be recognized at the booth as a sponsor as well as become the inaugural advertiser for the first month of CV advertising.

It is easy. Just contact the editor at , we can then give you a location where you can donate by credit card or mail the funds. Of course, contributions to (Jonathan Pait) are not tax deductible. Then again, advertising is a business expense :-)

Oh, no! I'm starting to sound like a politician! I'm asking for money!

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