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August 4, 2007 | South Carolina Headlines


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Lovely Low-Carb Strawberry Shortcake
Jimmy Moore
June 18, 2006

The following is a reprint from the blog "Livin' La Vida Low-Carb":

Strawberries and whipped cream between two biscuits...oh, baby!

I used to absolutely hate strawberries. I know it's hard to believe anyone could despise such a sweet and delicious fruit like strawberries, but I did for most of my life. I guess it was the outside texture of strawberries that I disliked so much, but I simply avoided eating them if at all possible.

That is, until I started livin' la vida low-carb. Strawberries are one of those fruits that is acceptable to eat on your low-carb lifestyle and I have grown to love and appreciate this delicious and refreshing fruit whenever I can now (especially dipped in some whipped cream and sugar-free, low-carb chocolate like ChocoPerfection bars!).

This recipe I have for you today is for strawberry shortcake which I used to turn my nose up to. But not anymore! This delectable dessert dish is an inviting way to enjoy strawberries as part of your healthy low-carb life. The ones in my area are big and beautiful, so take full advantage of this while you can. ENJOY!


2 pints sliced strawberries
1/4 cup Xylitol or your favorite sugar substitute
Dixie Carb Counters Homestyle Biscuit Mix or CarbQuik
Butter, softened
2 tablespoons Xylitol or your favorite sugar substitute
1 cup heavy cream
1/3 cup sugar substitute
1 teaspoon Singing Dog Sugar Free vanilla extract
Few sprigs fresh mint

1. Combine sliced strawberries and sugar substitute and refrigerate for at least 30 minutes.

2. Prepare sugar-free whipped cream. With an electric mixer on high, whip the heavy cream just until frothy. Add in the sugar substitute and vanilla extract. Continue to whip on high until peaks form. Set aside in the refrigerator.

3. Prepare Biscuit Mix according to package directions with the addition of two tablespoons sugar substitute.

4. Split biscuits in half while hot. Spread with butter; fill and top with strawberries. Serve warm with whipped cream. Garnish with mint sprigs.

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