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May 13, 2006 | South Carolina Headlines


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Low-Carb Bread Is Not An Oxymoron
Jimmy Moore
April 25, 2006

The following is a reprint from the blog "Livin' La Vida Low-Carb":

A literal low-carb bakery awaits you with baked goodness

Don't you miss bread on your low-carb diet? I don't think I could ever go without eating bread for the rest of my life. Don't you know you NEED bread to get whole grains into your diet?

If I had a dollar every time I heard one of THOSE phrase since started livin' la vida low-carb, then I'd be a very rich man right now. :) But isn't it funny how people just automatically assume (there's that word again!) that being on an Atkins or low-carb diet program means you no longer eat bread (apparently they haven't seen this low-carb sandwich recipe). It's another one of those long lines of myths about this way of eating that I will attempt, YET AGAIN, to dispel.

For those of you who think low-carbers don't get to eat bread anymore, allow me to introduce you to some of the best-tasting, healthy, and wholesome breads you can purchase on the market today:

Food For Life Low Carb Bread

Made with fresh ingredients such as wheat, soy, flax seeds, oat flour and dill seed, this bread yields a mere 3g net carbs per slice with just 60 calories. If you are in the mood for a sandwich, then get your meat, cheese and condiments ready to make the ultimate low-carb meal-on-the-go with Food For Life Low Carb Bread.

Irene's Healthy Bakery German Rye Low Carb Bread

If you've got your eye on rye bread instead, then a taste of Irene's Healthy Bakery German Rye Bread may be just the thing for you. It has just 4g net carbs and will satisfy your need for that unique taste in bread you know and love.

Irene's Healthy Bakery Low-Carb Hamburger and Hot Dog Buns

Are you getting ready to fire up that grill again this summer? This how about toasting up some of Irene's Low-Carb Hamburger Buns and Irene's Low-Carb Hot Dog Buns to go with those tasty chargrilled meats! With a mere 5g carbs each, you can enjoy the taste of summer without growing your waist!

Bagel Time High Fiber Bagels

With a whopping 15g of fiber, these Bagel Time High Fiber Bagels allow you to enjoy a healthy version of a product you've been told you can never have again after you started low-carbing. But at just 11g net carbs, these bagels can be a part of anyone who is eating a higher level of carbs daily as part of their maintenance phase of livin' la vida low-carb.

Bageltime Low Carb Bagel Bars

If you like the taste of bagels and need it to be a little lower in carbs, then Bageltime Low Carb Bagel Bars may be just the thing for you. These convenient bars not only taste great, but have a mere 7g net carbs -- perfect for virtually every phase of low-carb! With 9g fiber and 6g protein, these bars are chock full of healthy ingredients to start your day off right.

Natural Ovens Golden Crunch Lo Carb Bread

Do you like the taste of crunch when you bite into your bread? Then Natural Ovens Golden Crunch Lo Carb Bread is the one for you. This bread doesn't have any preservatives (and can be frozen for up to 2 months to keep it fresh) and has just 3g net carbs per slice along with 4g fiber and 8g protein.

See, you CAN have bread as part of your low-carb lifestyle. Low-carb bread is definitely NOT an oxymoron!

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