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October 25, 2006 | South Carolina Headlines


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Survivor: What is really real?
Benj Buck
February 2, 2006

Reality.  That's what today's culture asks for, but is it what they really seek.

As the 12th season of Survivor kicks off, America will watch real people doing some not so real things.  A yoga instructor from California, a witty businessman from Los Angeles, a Christian author from North Carolina, as well as a retail developer and a nurse from South Carolina.  These are real people, but for a few weeks they will be asked to do things people don't do on a daily basis such as build make shift huts, look for over grown puzzle pieces on an island, and start a fire out of ... well, nothing.

Reality at its best.  Well maybe not.  For instance, the cave, where tribal council will take place, isn't even a real cave.  With three tons of lumber, two tons of steel, 2,500 gallons of foam, and a lot of hard work -- 9 weeks and 2,000 labor hours to be exact -- the hottest reality show will present a man-made cave for the climax of each episode, tribal council.

While watching your favorite shows from time to time might be enjoyable and even acceptable, don't forget what is really real.  This winter children need mentors, your neighbors could use some encouragement, and the guys down at the rescue home wouldn't mind listening to a good story from you.  Get involved in what is really real -- your community, more specifically, the people in your community.

This season, South Carolina's Survivor fans have two competitors to cheer for -- Ruth Marie Milliman (Greenville) and Cirie Fields (Walterboro).  Milliman and Fields will compete against a retired astronaut, a retired fighter pilot, star athletes, a beauty queen and many other real people in the latest Survivor.  You, on the other hand, can be involved in a much greater competition -- A Surviving Community, where people need people.

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