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October 25, 2006 | South Carolina Headlines


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Mark Sanford: Luring jobs to South Carolina
Benj Buck
October 21, 2005

"Our state is making overall progress," says Governor Mark Sanford concerning South Carolina's unemployment rate, which is far too high for anyone's liking.


Heading into what has been promised as an expensive winter, the Governor's assurance is needed.  Although September's jobless rate climbed to 6.6 percent, Governor Sanford reminds South Carolinians, "Compared to a year ago, our unemployment rate is down."  It's true, South Carolina's work force jumped this year by 4,700 laborers.  Furthermore, Don Schunk, USC economist, predicts that we may see a .4 percent increase in overall jobs this year.


Be that as it may, many are still discoureaged with the low economic status in SOuth Carolina.  State Minority Leader, John Land III (D-Manning), blames Governor Sanford's leadership ability.  "South Carolina is in the midst of a job crisis and Governor Sanford has shown zero leadership."


However, Governor Sanford believes that income tax relief and tort reform are examples of steps toward an improved economy.  Today Governor Sanford said, "We're going to continue working toward luring more high-paying jobs to South Carolina as we've done this week in Asia, while we work toward slowing the growth of government in Columbia so that we can grow the economy instead."

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