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June 2, 2006 | South Carolina Headlines


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Peeking Into DeMint's Bedroom
Mike Cubelo
October 25, 2004

Wanna assess DeMint's job performance? Check out his bedroom.

Use DeMint's own logic for judging the job performance of gay teachers. If certain bedroom activities disqualifies teachers per DeMint, do similar activities disqualify congressman?

Sick, inquiring minds like DeMint's need to know.

When DeMint said that "openly gay teachers should not be teaching in public schools," he contradicted his own bumper sticker of "Freedom First." He needs to change it to "Fire First, Freedom Second."

As our representative, he is not respecting the constitutional liberties of our teachers who happen to be gay and who are honest about it. Instead, DeMint acts like an arrogant boss who wants to fire them. Why is he judging our teachers based on their bedroom activities anyway? Do gay activities somehow develop poor teaching skills? Should we assess his congressional performance by peeking into his bedroom?

This pattern of arrogance can be seen during his debates with his opponent who happens to be a woman. Instead of respecting her views, he condescendingly repeats how "she does not understand" his more lofty positions. DeMint appears disturbed that gays and women do not know their place in his exclusive world.

This elite DeMint view even extends to taxpayers. He wants to tax working families more than his more wealthy constituents. Rather than keep mortgage deductions so that working families can afford to buy a house, he wants to tax us significantly every time we buy something. Instead of filing our income taxes once a year as most of us do, he wants us to be taxed over 20 percent every day at grocery stores, restaurants and the mall.

If you support DeMint for senator, you better know your place in his distorted world - and keep your bedroom curtains closed.

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Here is what Mike Cubelo had to say: Use DeMint's own logic for judging the job performance of gay teachers. If certain bedroom activities disqualifies teachers per DeMint, do similar activities disqualify congressman? Sick, inquiring minds like DeMint's need to know. . . .

Read the rest.

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