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October 25, 2006 | South Carolina Headlines


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May 31, 2006

For Immediate Release
Contact: Jason Miller

May 30, 2006
c (803) 238-7475 

(Columbia, SC) - Sanford for Governor Campaign Manager Jason Miller this afternoon took issue with Democrat gubernatorial candidate Tommy Moore's decision to "go negative" with his first two television ads.

"It's a telling sign that Tommy Moore has decided to introduce himself to the voters of South Carolina by launching an attack," noted Miller.  "But it's even more telling that Tommy Moore has no positive accomplishments of his own to point to after 27 years of roaming the halls of the statehouse." 

In contrast, Governor Mark Sanford's first three television ads have reminded voters of changes and accomplishments that his administration has brought to South Carolina since taking office in 2003, including cutting tens of millions of dollars in government waste, wiping out state deficits, cutting personal income taxes, creating new jobs, the best jobs recruitment record in 15 years, passing the state's first-ever comprehensive tort
reform, and fighting to slow the growth of state government. 

"The bigger question here is, what kind of change can a 27-year insider bring to Columbia when he's afraid to highlight his biggest accomplishment, the largest tax increase proposal in South Carolina history?" Miller concluded.

In 2003, Moore proposed the largest tax increase in state history, attempting to raise state sales taxes by over $1 billion ("South Carolina Revenue Sources And Fiscal Impacts," South Carolina Budget And Control Board, Office of Research and Statistics, 2/5/2004). 
Fortunately, Senate Republicans rejected Moore's amendment several times, stating "we voted to table this amendment to the General Appropriations Bill because without a corresponding tax decrease South Carolinians cannot afford the tax increase that this amendment would have led to during these difficult economic times," (South Carolina Senate Journal, Printed Page 2290, 5/7/2003).

For more information on Tommy Moore's strategy to go negative with his first two television ads, please contact Jason Miller at (803) 238-7475.


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