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October 25, 2006 | South Carolina Headlines


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Spratt Votes for Pet Rescue Act
May 24, 2006

WASHINGTON - U.S. Rep. John Spratt (D-SC) Monday joined a majority of his House colleagues in passing a bill to require FEMA to include pets in disaster-response plans.  A similar bill is pending in the Senate.
"During Katrina, a lot of people were shocked to see starving pets left behind after the evacuation, and roaming the streets," said Spratt.  "Some people refused to leave their homes without their pets.  And thousands who evacuated lost their pets." 

Spratt said a number of constituents had contacted his office in support of the bill.  "This bill treats a small but significant aspect of disaster relief that needs to be re-thought before another round of hurricanes comes roaring through," said Spratt.
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Whose going to tell the families of nursing home patients, "Sorry, we didn't have enough money/time/people budgeted to saving Grandma, but we were able to save her parakeet, Tommy."  . . .

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