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October 25, 2006 | South Carolina Headlines


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Gov. Mark Sanford Offers Thoughts on Budget
March 29, 2006

Columbia, S.C. * March 28, 2006 * Gov. Mark Sanford today issued the following statements on the House Budget:

"I'd just like to offer three quick thoughts on the budget, and the first of which is to thank members of the House who plan to offer amendments aimed at trying to protect and set aside taxpayer dollars. I want to thank everyone in advance who plans to vote for those amendments for fighting the good fight on this front," Gov. Sanford said.

"Second, I find it odd how conspicuously silent some in the House have been on how much this budget really grows government by. When you do the math the fact can't be hidden that this budget grows government in excess of 10 percent. That's completely counter to the bill the House passed earlier this year pledging to hold government growth to under 5.9 percent," the governor said.

"Third, I'm fascinated by Speaker Harrell's argument that government growth has been modest over the past ten years under Republican control. Although the numbers plainly show higher spending, even if one were to accept the suggested average growth of 3.9 percent, it is in excess of the 3.5 percent average growth experienced in the previous 10 years when Democrats were in control of the House. Fiscally conservative allies in the House need to continue making their voices heard over the next week if we want to end up with a budget that holds true to the Republican principles that we all say are important," Gov. Sanford said.

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