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October 25, 2006 | South Carolina Headlines


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Gillespie Gets Message Out in Chester and Dillon Counties
February 8, 2006

Tuesday, February 7, 2006
Contact: Randall Mullis (803) 493-3922

CLOVER, SC -   Park Gillespie, candidate for the US House of Representatives in district 5, recently spoke to the Chester County and Dillon County Republican Conventions.  Mr. Gillespie shared his passion for the conservative ideas and values that have made America great.

At the meetings Park shared his belief that America and the Republican Party are at a real crossroads.  "I believe we have a choice to make as a nation and a party.  We must deal with the crisis of character our nation struggles with or pay the consequences."  He added further, "our best days are ahead of us IF we seriously address the issues that face us head on.  Issues like real tax reform, fiscal discipline, meaningful education reform, true border
and national security - everything else is moot if we are not an honorable people."

Gillespie added that 90% of the time John Spratt votes with the Nancy Pelosi, Howard Dean, Al Gore democrats.  "John has for years been out of step with the beliefs of the folks he claims to represent.  It is time for conservative people to have a conservative representative."

Those members of the media wanting further comment or interviews should contact Randall Mullis at 803-493-3922. 

Gillespie for Congress
1646 W. Highway 160
Suite E - 8132
Fort Mill, SC 29705


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