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October 25, 2006 | South Carolina Headlines


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Langston Charter Middle School Opens
August 17, 2005


CONTACT:  Lisa Stevens, Chairman, 864-350-6666 Greg Abel, Principal, 864-363-5281

August 16, 2005

GREENVILLE, SC: The Parents and Faculty of Langston Charter Middle School invite you to attend our Ribbon Cutting and Open House on Friday, August 19, 2005 at 6:00 pm. The school is located at 288 Rocky Creek Road, Greenville, SC just behind the Travinia Italian Kitchen and Wendy’s on Woodruff Road.


The Ribbon Cutting ceremony will include the dedication of a flag flown over US Capital, given by Senator Jim DeMint and a report on the fundraising success of the Founders Circle. Following the Ribbon Cutting we will host an open house to celebrate the renovation of our building.  During the summer the students, parents and faculty of Langston have actively participated in the painting, cleaning and furnishing of the facility.  With just a few exceptions the entire school has been furnished with donated items. 

Langston Charter Middle School is a new, tuition free public school with each class limited to a maximum of 20 students.


In recognition of the different learning styles and educational needs of middle school aged students, all classes will be taught single gender.  Langston is the first public school in South Carolina to teach exclusively in the single gender class format.


Academics at Langston will focus on core curriculum with Spanish required in all 3 grades.  At Langston all students will be required to participate in community service projects.  We have developed a unique classroom curriculum to explore the leaders of our community and develop leadership skills in our students.
Langston Learners of Today…Leaders of Tomorrow

Langston Charter Middle School, 288 Rocky Creek Road, Greenville, SC 29607

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