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October 25, 2006 | South Carolina Headlines


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June 10, 2005

GREENVILLE, SC - The Greenville Grrrowl will be featured on tonight's episode of Country Music Television’s “HOME BLITZ,” scheduled to air at 9 p.m. Greenville teamed with CMT, Habitat for Humanity, and country music star Julie Roberts during a Grrrowl game on April 1st to raise money for Flora and Ilka Martinez.

In each episode of HOME BLITZ, Habitat for Humanity partners with lower income families in home ownership, bringing hope and dignity to people whose dreams have outgrown their opportunities and resources. This particular episode focuses on Flora Martinez and her 16-year-old daughter, Ilka.

CMT’s Show Information:

It has been 20 years since Flora Martinez immigrated to America from Guatemala. Like all Americans, she works feverishly for the American dream -- the ability to own a home. Despite her honest efforts through the years, Martinez's dream continues to elude her. Her modest salary at a local grocery store does not provide enough income to adequately house her and her 16-year-old daughter, Ilka. Instead, they must rent a cramped one bedroom apartment in an unsafe neighborhood, sharing the same bedroom, closet and living space. They even sleep in the same bed.

John Littlefield, Heather Simpson, the Habitat for Humanity Home Blitz Build Team and country music star Julie Roberts team up to help the Martinez women build a new two bedroom house, so the two can finally have their space, privacy and sanity. With just two weeks to both build the house and complete the required sweat equity hours before the home is finalized, the women frantically organize a community challenge involving a hockey team, an ice rink and plastic big-wheel tricycles.

Grrrowl fans who stayed in their seats after Greenville’s game against Charlotte on April 1st can see themselves on TV during the episode. The HOME BLITZ building crew organized a “Big-Wheel Tricycle Race” on the BI-LO Center Ice, with over 20 teams participating in a fundraising effort for Flora and Ilka.

The following Sunday, Grrrowl players contributed their time, helping build a new two-bedroom house in Greer, SC for Flora and Ilka. Watch your favorite Grrrowl players helping out the community on CMT tonight during HOME BLITZ.

New Full Season Tickets, Flex Packs, and Top Puppy Packages are all available for the 2005-06 season. For information on any of Greenville’s Top Dog Memberships, call 864-467-4777, or visit

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