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October 25, 2006 | South Carolina Headlines


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DeMint Statement on BRAC List Release
May 13, 2005

Washington, DC - Today, U.S. Senator Jim DeMint made the following statement:

"While BRAC is a necessary process, it is also difficult. States around our nation are facing the loss of thousands of jobs, as our military transforms for the 21st Century. I am encouraged that overall our state was recommended for a gain in military missions and hundreds of new personnel.

"South Carolina’s communities are the most supportive of the American military, and our climate and environment is ideal for the year-round conduct of training and operations. I am pleased that the Department of Defense recognized the indispensable value of South Carolina’s contribution to America’s defense.

"However, I am disappointed by today’s news that some of Charleston’s administrative facilities were included on this initial list. I believe that Charleston has unique qualities that make it an ideal place for the military to operate.

"We should keep in mind this list is only a recommendation by the Department of Defense. Now that it is before the BRAC Commission and the process is public, we must continue to highlight the benefits South Carolina offers to the military.

"I want to point out the importance of the tremendous support shown by the local communities, and the outstanding job that local, state, and other federal officials have done in promoting our bases. We must continue working together as we are just starting this process."

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