"Stop the madness. People are hungry, without healthcare, without decent paying jobs, paying up to 3.00 for a gallon of gas, men and women are dying in foreign lands, and we are going to do WHAT?????" Terry from Vero
Okay Terry from Vero, so what's your magic bullet?
RE: Hunger - Please show me where in the USA there are people that are hungry (I'm talking Ethiopian and Somali style hunger, i.e. bloated bellies and fly's around the face of babies)? There are so many charities, gummit programs, church groups, etc. that you can't find 'em except for the very rare isolated instances where people DON'T want someone to help them.
RE: Without Healthcare - Okay Terry, I know you are from the Palm Beach/Broward County area, so I'll say this real slow... pick up a copy of the yellow pages, turn to the section that says INSURANCE at the top of the page, pick out an agent and call them.
Just about any of these guys and gals will be HAPPY to sell you a health insurance policy. If emergency medical care is what's needed, every county in America must provide EMS services, by law. Now, aren't you glad we solved THAT problem?
RE: Decent paying jobs - Please explain to me why someone with limited job skills should be given a "decent paying job"? Why should someone give you $10/hour for $5 worth of work? Is that what you are asking for? If you have job skills, either go find a job or go create one for yourself, and while you are at it, create one for someone else.
The secret to decent pay is to give people more than what they feel the goods or services are worth. If an unemployed person did that, they would NEVER be unemployed again! If you want to give me $2 worth of service, please don't expect me to pay you $5 for it.
RE: Paying up to 3.00 for gas - Okay Palm Beach, for the past half century, the good ol' USofA has pretty much been the primary consumer of petroleum on the planet.
We build cars by the gazillions and build roads to drive on and we have a capitalist system where MILLIONS of people with DECENT JOBS can afford to buy shiny new rides. But mainly since Ronald Reagan's administration, the little squinty eyed furiners in east Asia have noticed that being a socialist or a commie just isn't the most profitable way of living or creating a higher standard of living.
For example, the People's Republic of China observed the mistakes that Gorby made in Russia when he tried to allow political freedom before allowing folks to have economic freedom. Gorby got the cart before the horse and only now is Russia starting to become an economic player in the world's community.
The Chinese learned that political freedom doesn't feed people, but economic freedom (i.e. freedom of ownership, freedom to create and own a business, freedom to hire people and own the profits generated, etc) DOES feed people.
It was around the time of Reagan that the Chi-Coms chose to liberalize their private property laws and allow their people to start owning there own businesses. At first, entrepreneurs were limited to four only employees, but when the state saw that these micro-businesses were generating both profits for the owner and massive taxes for the state, they let them hire ten employees, then fifty, and today... there are no limits on how big private enterprise can be.
Point being, people in China are now allowed to become wealthy. With wealth comes consumption, and the demand to trade their bicycle in on a BMW, a Toyota, a Fiat or a Chevy. In fact, General Motors just finished building it's largest auto mfg plant in the world in mainland China a year or so ago. And 75% of it's production goes to the domestic Chinese market.
So what does this have to do with $3/gal gas? It means that China has surpassed Japan as being the second largest consumer of oil on the planet... right behind the USA. And China's rate of oil consumption growth is a multiple of our rate of growth.
Today Exxon, Shell, BP et-al has a new buyer on the world stage that is competing with the USA in how many barrels of crude they need to buy.
So if there is a finite amount of product that only you were buying and suddenly the guy across the street started buying more and more of that same product, the seller would be able to demand a higher price because the there are more consumers bidding for that same product.
The alternative? New sources of oil or maybe some alternative fuels.
USA has TRILLIONS of barrels of oil in stratified shale rock... but it costs $35 to $50 per barrel to economically extract that oil from the shale. If prices get consistently above $50/barrel we will surely see Exxon, Hess and Shell extracting shale oil from our mid-west. And we haven't even mentioned ANWR on the north slope (which, by the way, is just up the coast from China!)
Let the price of a gallon of gas get up around $5 to $6 per gallon, and you will then see other economically viable alternatives come to the forefront. Hydrogen as a fuel would suddenly be viable in a world of $6 gallon gas.
But at $3 or below, gasoline way too cheap to boil the oil out of shale stone and hydrogen is too expensive to extract so neither can compete.
RE: Men and women are dying in foreign lands - If you are eluding to the war in Iraq and Afghanistan, then I would much rather see the insurgents targeting the best trained, best equiped military force on the planet in SOMEONE ELSE'S country and have our guys & gals killing 200 to 300 of them for every one of ours that's whacked than to have those same insurgents sneaking into our country and killing unarmed, untrained and unsuspecting American wives and children in our schools and shopping malls or office towers (like they did on 9/11).
Historically speaking as far as wars go, the 1800+/- American casualties that we've lost since 2001 is a drop in the bucket when compared to virtually every other war in history of warfare.
Our war in Iraq has also been the most sanitary war in history, with far fewer collateral casualties inflicted on civilians than in any other war in history.
During the initial days of the invasion, I recall watching TV of the 2000lb smart bombs dropped on military targets located next to schools and hospitals, only the bombs were filled with cement instead of high explosives.
A ton of cement falling at several hundred miles per hour, dropping exactly through the skylight of the exact room where the bad guys were standing was devastating on their health, yet the people on the other side of the building, in the schools and hospitals, were virtually unharmed.
So yes Palm Beach, men & women are dying in foreign lands... but the buddies of those warriors are asking to return to their comrades and keep on protecting you and I from those that would otherwise desire to travel to OUR country and kill US.
And if the American Military's presence in Iraq draws these insurgents from Syria, Iran, Saudi, Jordan and Sudan so as to see if they can have their shot at the best trained best armed battlefield combattent in the history of warfare? Go ahead, take your best shot.
Thanks for writing Terry from Vero... feel free to come chat any time!
:- )