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Notes From a Turkish Terrorist on Turkey Holiday
Mike from Greenville writes:
11/23/2004 6:46:52 PM
Truth surpasses ego, Andrew, unless the truth is absolute with a lot of relgiious fantasy.

Yes, I would love to see W defend himself in congress.

His congressional critics are not the moral morons who supported him.

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Andrew from Greer writes:
11/23/2004 4:06:05 PM
I like how Mike compliments his own comments.

I also would like to see Dubya with his big binder try to take questions from Parliament. That is one thing (maybe the only thing) from their form of government that would be nice to adopt in the U.S.

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Mike from Greenville writes:
11/23/2004 8:47:15 AM
Still so true...
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Mike from Greenville writes:
11/24/2003 11:20:54 PM
Yep, keep those cliches coming Joe.

They are as enlightening as a speech by W.

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Joe from Edisto Island writes:
11/23/2003 11:17:30 PM
Well Mike, its always good to know who your friends are. Like the old saying, you need to keep your friends close and your enemies closer.
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Mike from Greenville writes:
11/23/2003 8:36:09 PM
Hey, Joe.

Didn't realize that the Brits or the French or the Germans were dictators, tyrants, criminals and murderers.

Anyway, our nation's reputation is at its lowest levels in these countries.

Which is why W didn't show his smirk in the British Parliament.

I would love to see him try and debate those folks....

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Joe from Edisto Island writes:
11/23/2003 8:27:57 PM
Yup, Mike's right.

All those voluntary military folks are keeping those Al Qaida terrorists fighting for their lives in someone else's country while they hunt them down and kill them, instead of having the military here at home while those terrorists bring their war against us to our shores and kill our civilians and destroy our infrastructure.

Yes, thank you Gee Dubya for having our nation's reputation in the world at its lowest levels ever among dictators, tyrants, criminals and murderers.

Oh yes, and thank you Gee Dubya for having our nation's reputation in the world at its lowest levels ever among dictators, tyrants, criminals and murderers. And scaring Islamic fundamentalist socialists into fearing that democracy, human and private property rights will encroach into the lands of their historical Arabic monarchies.

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Mike from Greenville writes:
11/23/2003 5:27:48 PM
Let's thank W for the Iraqi mess this thanksgiving holiday!

More American military personnel are at risk of death and away from their families this thanksgiving holiday.

And, our nation's reputation in the world is at its lowest levels ever.

Thank you, Mr. President!

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