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October 25, 2006 | South Carolina Headlines


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Local candidate forum to feature ALL FIVE GOP Candidates for State Education Superintendent
March 6, 2006

Contact Ron Turner, Chairman
(843) 814-1805

The Lowcountry Conservative Republican Breakfast Club will hold its monthly meeting at 9 a.m. Saturday, March 11, 2006, at Kelly's BBQ restaurant on U.S. Highway 78, two miles south of the Berlin Myers Parkway, between Summerville and Ladson.  

The breakfast meeting will feature a candidate forum of the five GOP candidates for state Education Superintendent:  Karen Floyd of Spartanburg, Elizabeth Moffly of Mt. Pleasant, Mike Ryan of Surfside Beach, Bob Staton of Saluda County, and Kerry Wood of Lexington.  In the first Lowcountry event featuring all of the GOP candidates for this office, they will discuss their qualifications and agendas and participate in a Question-and-Answer session with attendees.

This forum is part of its "Election Preview 2006" series of candidate forums which the breakfast club will hold prior to the June 2006 GOP primaries, to educate local voters about candidates and issues in the upcoming primary elections.  Upcoming events include:

*  April: South Carolina Secretary of State candidates;
*  May: Local GOP primary candidates, including the candidates for Berkeley County Superintendent;
*  June: A second forum of local GOP primary candidates, including the candidates for Berkeley County Clerk of Court.

The Lowcountry Republican Breakfast Club meets every second Saturday morning monthly at this location, featuring speakers who discuss current issues of importance to the Lowcountry and South Carolina.  Past attendees have included Governor Mark Sanford, Lt. Governor Andre Bauer, Congressman Henry Brown, as well as local legislators and county officials.  A breakfast buffet will be served for $6.50, and the meetings are always open to the public, regardless of political affiliation.

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