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October 25, 2006 | South Carolina Headlines


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Spratt Statement on Governor Carroll Campbell
December 7, 2005

Wednesday, December 07, 2005
For Immediate Release
Contact: Chuck Fant, 202-225-5501

WASHINGTON - U.S. Rep. John Spratt (D-SC) issued the following statement on former South Carolina Governor Carroll Campbell, who died today at the age of 65.

"Carroll Campbell spent much of his life serving his country, and left as an epitaph a list of accomplishments that will live long after him. 

"I served with him in Congress and worked with him as Governor, and the better I knew him, the more I admired his ability.  He was an effective member of Congress, who served eight years and won positions on the two most powerful committees in the House: Appropriations and Ways and Means.  As governor, he was even more effective, a good executive who drew good people around him.

"Among many other things, Governor Campbell saw our plight in York and Lancaster counties and offered his support to settle the Catawba Indian land claim. He not only committed himself but also sent his first team, including Crawford Clarkson, chairman of the South Carolina Tax Commission.  Without the support of Governor Campbell and his staff, I doubt that we could have worked out the terms of the settlement.

"I was privileged to know Carroll Campbell and call him a friend. I enjoyed his company and will miss him, but also long remember him."

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