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October 25, 2006 | South Carolina Headlines


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Erwin calls on Sanford to combat state's high gas prices
September 13, 2005

September 13, 2005
News Release - For Immediate Release
Contact: Lachlan McIntosh (803) 799-7798
Yesterday, Governor Mark Sanford prudently called for a voluntary evacuation of many areas along the immediate coast due to the threat of Tropical Storm Ophelia. Unfortunately, for those people attempting to evacuate, and all South Carolinians who must drive to work and school, Sanford has failed to show the leadership needed to combat the record high prices of gasoline.  As of yesterday, the average price of gas in
South Carolina was still higher than the national average and higher than states in our region like Georgia, Alabama and even Florida. 

In Georgia, Governor Sonny Perdue declared a state of emergency to enable his state to crack down on price-gouging. According to the South Carolina Attorney General's office, skyrocketing prices cannot legally be price gouging unless a governor-declared state of emergency exists. Sanford has thus far refused calls to declare a state of emergency.
Perdue also called a special session of the Georgia legislature and temporally voided the state's tax on gas. 

Currently, Georgia's price of gas is more than ten cents cheaper than South Carolina's.

"Governor Sanford needs to understand that gas prices are causing real pain for South Carolina's families. Most people just can't afford to pay nearly $3.00 a gallon for gas and could use some help," South Carolina Democratic Party Chairman Joe Erwin said. 

"The Governor of Georgia has shown leadership. He's taken the bull by the horns and has made a difference for his state. It is time for Mark Sanford to step up to the plate and stop pretending that this crisis doesn't exist," Erwin said. "He needs to stop making excuses and declare a state of emergency. People desperately need a break and Mark Sanford
has the power to help." 

Source: http://www.fueleconomy.gov/feg/gasprices/index.shtml

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