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October 25, 2006 | South Carolina Headlines


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Erwin urges Governor to create bi-partisan Economic Development team
August 17, 2005



August 17, 2005

News Release – For Immediate Release

Contact: Lachlan McIntosh (803) 799-7798

Today, South Carolina Democratic Party Chairman Joe Erwin called on Governor Mark Sanford to form a bi-partisan team of state leaders who have successfully recruited industry to South Carolina in the past.  Erwin urged Sanford to assemble a bi-partisan team of former Commerce Department leaders and officials in administrations of previous Governors to help Sanford's job creation efforts.

Currently, South Carolina has one of the nation's highest unemployment rates, which, according to Standard & Poors, is a major factor in the state losing its Triple-A credit rating.  The Governor recently failed in his attempt to lure Airbus to South Carolina, which would have created approximately 1,000 new jobs. That loss was a wake-up call, according to Erwin.  "The winning state of Alabama used a bi-partisan team of business, government and community leaders from throughout the state, while Governor Sanford excluded others from South Carolina's effort."

"Clearly, Governor Sanford's method isn't getting the job done.  It's time for him to reach out to people who have actually been successful in bringing jobs and industry to this state," Erwin said.

"Governor Sanford seems to think that this problem will somehow magically go away -- but it isn't, and he needs to get serious.  We can't afford to keep losing out to other states in our region.  South Carolina desperately needs these jobs."

Erwin suggested that Sanford fill the committee with people like Warren Tompkins, the chief of staff for Carroll Campbell, who helped lure BMW to South Carolina.  Erwin said that the committee should also include experienced recruiters like Robert Royall, Dwight Drake, George Wolf and Charlie Way.

"They are the kind of people who know how to win; they know the tricks of the trade, and can help train Governor Sanford so that hopefully, we can start bringing jobs here," Erwin said. "It's time for Mark Sanford to stop putting politics ahead of people."


"My economic plan will cut taxes, slow down the growth of government and most of all encourage investment and job creation. To improve our economy, we need a new governor who is committed to less government and more economic growth."             Candidate Mark Sanford - September 4, 2002 The Hotline

"The most precious of all commodities is the gift of time," Sanford said. "With all due respect to the governor, he has burned through time on his unwillingness to lead on so many issues critical to our state and advancing the lives of the people of our state.”     Candidate Mark Sanford – June 28, 2002 The Post and Courier

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