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October 25, 2006 | South Carolina Headlines


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Sanford discovers South Carolina's 'citizenry'
June 10, 2005

June 9, 2005
News Release - For Immediate Release
Contact: Lachlan McIntosh (803) 799-7798

According to published reports, Governor Sanford made the following statement today regarding his decision to allow the seat belt bill to become law without his signature: "Based on the overwhelming level of support from the General Assembly, I will not impede what appears to be the citizenry's will."

It should be noted that the legislature unanimously supported this year's budget, which was balanced and supported public education for the first time in years. Despite the "overwhelming level of support," the Governor elected to ignore the apparent will of the "citizenry" and instead vetoed $96 million of funding for education, health care, tourism, and economic development.

"Leaders take positions.  Sanford failed to take a position, but despite that, we got it done thanks to the leadership of others -- on both sides of the aisle. Instead of fighting with the legislature all year - perhaps he should have followed the 'citizenry's' will and helped lead South Carolina forward," said South Carolina Democratic Party Chairman Joe Erwin.

"Sanford's sorry excuse for not taking a position on seat belts just doesn't wash."

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