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October 25, 2006 | South Carolina Headlines


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Second Annual Carolina Q Cup World Barbeque Championship
June 3, 2005

Secretary of Agriculture

HUGH WEATHERS, Commissioner


FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE                                

June 3, 2005    



COLUMBIA, SC – The South Carolina Department of Agriculture along with the South Carolina Barbeque Association will join forces to host the second annual Carolina Q Cup World Barbeque Championship on October 28 – 29, 2005. The competition will be held with a celebration of South Carolina food and folk art at the giant 100,000 square foot farmer truck  shed at the Columbia State Farmers Market, located at 1001 Bluff Road in Columbia.


There are several types of barbeque in America, including light tomato-based, heavy tomato based, mustard-based and vinegar and pepper-based. Since only the Palmetto State has a long tradition of cooking all four of these diverse types of barbeque, the winning team in the Carolina Q Cup can truly be acknowledged as the world’s best.


The championship will feature two professional categories – wood or charcoal and gas or electric. Each of the professional division teams will prepare a whole hog approximately 100 –130 pounds dressed weight. The criteria for judging will be based on taste, tenderness, appearance, area and personal appearance and overall impression and the judging will be conducted by Certified South Carolina Barbeque Judges.


In addition to the two professional categories, there will be a second division honoring our men and women in uniform.  Teams are being invited from the U.S. Army, The SC Highway Patrol, the Columbia Fire Department and other service and military organizations.


Prizes will be awarded to a limited number of barbeque teams and families deemed as the best of the best. The Grand Champion will receive the coveted silver Carolina Q Cup and an addition bonus award.


An application and information on the registration fee for teams can be obtained from the SC Department of Agriculture. Applications will be accepted on a first-come, first-served basis after an invitation has been issued to the teams that participated last year in the first Carolina Q Cup.


In addition to the world barbeque championship, the Carolina Q Cup will feature South Carolina home-grown or South Carolina processed food products, music and outsider and folk arts and crafts.


For more information about the Carolina Q Cup competition or for information about registering call Roy Copelan at the South Carolina Department of Agriculture Marketing Division, 803-734-2200.

 *** end ***


Becky Walton
Director of Communications and Public Information
South Carolina Department of Agriculture
PO Box 11280
Columbia, SC 29211


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I wonder if they're looking for judges. I think I could shake myself free for a couple days of good BBQ.  . . .

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