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October 25, 2006 | South Carolina Headlines


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Mike Campbell: The Education and Economic Development Act
June 2, 2005

Since announcing my candidacy for Lt Governor, I have promoted the
Education and Economic Development Act (EEDA) because I know that
education is the backbone of our economy and our economy is the backboneof education.  I am proud of the South Carolina General Assembly for passing EEDA and the Governor for signing it into law.

EEDA makes fundamental changes to our education system that will prepare our students for life after high school and the new jobs that we will be bringing into our state. It reorganizes k-12 curriculum around industry career clusters. With the help of career guidance counselors, partnerships with private sector business, and parents, students will be able to decide what route they want to travel in life. Whether they want to continue their education or go directly into the work force, students will be able to utilize classes to prepare themselves for their specific career aspirations.

Local school districts will begin preparing students in elementary school with career awareness and continue on through high school with strong academics and real-world problem solving skills.

There is a direct link between education and economic development and to deny that link would be a costly mistake for our state. EEDA offers a good start to fix South Carolina's education problems.

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