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October 25, 2006 | South Carolina Headlines


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American Reform Party Endorses Merrill's Congressional Bid
May 24, 2005

May 20th, 2005

The key to restoring Constitutional Liberty is for all Constitutionalist fellow travellers, regardless of party affiliation or the lack thereof, to join together in our common goal. Brian Lee Merrill is running for South Carolina's 1st  congressional District strictly independent and unaffiliated, but welcomes in brotherhood the endorsement of the American Reform Party. Most of Brian's beliefs are in harmony with the ARP's and he wishes nothing but the best for them in their goals.

Brian states, "I very much look forward to working with the American Reform Party in the noble effort to return to the vision of the Founding Fathers. I hope that we both meet with success, and that ARP candidates and I will in the future work side by side in an official capacity in Washington."

To Brian the ARP National Chairman Roy Downing writes, "The Endorsement Committee has recommended that the American Reform Party endorse your candidacy. We are happy to endorse you." To find out more about the American Reform Party, visit their website at

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