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October 25, 2006 | South Carolina Headlines


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Sanford’s Vetoes Target Clemson
May 23, 2005

May 23, 2005
Contact: Lachlan McIntosh (803) 799-7798
-Veto Victim of the Day release-

It appears that Governor Mark Sanford is taking the phrase "Hold That Tiger” much too literally. Last week, Sanford vetoed nearly $10 million dollars in funding for Clemson University -- taking more than $2 million from the University's engineering and agriculture research centers alone.

Clemson’s engineering and agriculture programs are nationally respected and operate all over the state. According to Clemson officials, the vetoes could cause Clemson to lose federal and private matches for the engineering program. As a land grant institution, Clemson Public Service Activities (PSA) has a unique mission to provide research and education to the agriculture industry. If this veto stands, Clemson’s PSA will be eliminated.

In addition, Sanford vetoed $5 million for Clemson’s Baruch Institute of Coastal Ecology. The Baruch Institute conducts research and education programs focused on the ecology and management of the natural resources of the coastal regions of the state. Current research projects include water quality, water quantity, wildlife habitat, and forest productivity.
Sanford also vetoed over $1 million for “Call Me Mister” program which recruits, trains, certifies and secures employment for hundreds of African-American males as elementary teachers in South Carolina’s public schools. Fewer than 200 of the state’s more than 20,000 elementary school teachers are African American males.

Clemson has been a frequent target of Sanford veto pen in the past. All of his executive budgets have attempted to cut important Clemson initiatives that serve the entire state.
If Sanford’s vetoes are not overridden it will force Clemson to raise tuition for South Carolina’s families and valuable programs that have benefited everyone will be in serious jeopardy.

For more information about the harm Sanford’s vetoes will do to Clemson contact Angie Leidinger at .



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