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June 2, 2006 | South Carolina Headlines


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Sanford veto could close the Palmetto Poison Center
May 19, 2005

May 19, 2005
Contact: Lachlan McIntosh (803) 799-7798
-Veto Victim of the day release-

The Palmetto Poison Center is the only poison center that serves the entire state. The toll free phone service took 37,000 calls in 2004 and is staffed by experienced pharmacists and nurses who are specifically trained in poison information. The center assisted hundreds of residents in Graniteville after the recent chlorine spill. Studies have shown for every dollar spent on the Poison Center, $7 is saved in unnecessary health costs like emergency room and doctor visits. This year 79% of poison exposure calls handled by the Center were able to be treated with minor first aid at home, work or school. 

Governor Sanford vetoed $200,000 worth of funds for the Palmetto Poison Center. The center will lose a $250,000 match in federal grant money if the veto is not overridden. Losing nearly a half million dollars will result in closure or decreased hours for the Center. 

For more information about the Palmetto Poison Center contact Dr. William Richardson at [email protected]


If Governor Sanford's $96 million of budget vetoes are not overridden, South Carolina could look like a third-world country. Much has been written about the massive hit colleges, universities, and technical schools would take. Sanford's actions would make it much harder for rural resident to access health and dental care and would even decimate the Special Olympics. Sanford's vetoes have been compared to a hurricane strike by one Charleston Republican lawmaker. 

Over the next few days, the South Carolina Democratic Party will highlight some of the lesser known victims of Sanford's "leadership."

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