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October 25, 2006 | South Carolina Headlines


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Dawson's smokescreen can't hide the truth
May 10, 2005

Contact: Lachlan McIntosh (803) 799-7798 

Despite the best efforts of state Republican Party Chairman Katon Dawson to discredit US Congressman Jim Clyburn, Republicans just can't hide the truth with their latest round of smokescreens. The truth is that the Republican followers of Tom DeLay are fighting a much needed ethics probe to determine the extent of DeLay's disregard for basic ethics rules. Sadly, every Republican on the South Carolina delegation has participated in the attempt to shield DeLay:

* Every Republican Member of the South Carolina delegation voted to weaken Ethics Committee Rules.

* Three of the four Republicans on the South Carolina delegation, Reps. Barrett, Brown and Wilson, took money from Tom DeLay's PAC, totaling $30 thousand.

* Joe Wilson gave Tom DeLay's "legal defense fund" $5,000.

* According to the Washington Post, South Carolina Republican Gresham Barrett failed to disclose to the ethics committee the in-kind contribution of a lavish dinner and fundraising event at the Signatures restaurant owned by Tom DeLay's friend, embattled lobbyist Jack Abramoff.

"While the Republicans on the South Carolina delegation vote in lock-step with Tom DeLay and spend all their time working to keep him in power, Congressman Clyburn is working hard for South Carolina and he's playing by the rules," said South Carolina Democratic Party Executive Director Lachlan McIntosh.

"Congressman Clyburn is busy fighting for South Carolina while the Republicans on our delegation are busy fighting for Tom DeLay."

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