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October 25, 2006 | South Carolina Headlines


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It's time for Sanford to drop his private school voucher idea
May 4, 2005

Today South Carolina Democratic Party Chairman Joe Erwin called on Governor Mark Sanford to drop his ill-advised "putting parents in charge" idea which would take money away from public schools and instead fund private academies. Sanford's backdoor private school voucher plan was defeated in the House today after being stalled and amended repeatedly.
"It's time for Governor Sanford to give up on his destructive private school voucher ideas, join the majority of South Carolinians and support our public schools. PPIC is done, the people have spoken and it is time to move on," Erwin said. "I don't understand why the Governor continues to waste everyone's time on this." 
Erwin also called on House Republican leader Jim Merrill, who is the chief cheerleader for Sanford's voucher bill, to remember his past campaign promises and support public education. "The huge majority of representative Merrill's constituents send their kids to public schools and they expect their Governor and their State Representative to make our public school system better, not tear it apart." Erwin added. "Jim Merrill would appear to have a lot of explaining to do to those who have supported him in the past." 

"This is a great day for public schools in South Carolina. What wereally need now is a Governor who will work with us and not fight against us to make our schools the best they can be," Erwin concluded. State Representative James Smith (D - Richland) warned that "we will not see the end of this issue until we elect a new Governor in 2006."


Contact: Lachlan McIntosh (803) 799-7798

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