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June 2, 2006 | South Carolina Headlines


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Wittman Will Not Run in 2006
May 2, 2005

Democrat Announces Creation of Covenant Life Outreach Church

Andrew Wittman, a former candidate for the 4th Congressional District, announced today the launch of Covenant Life Outreach Church.  Wittman will serve as Senior Pastor.  The inaugural service will be held at the Palmetto Expo Center on Sunday, May 8th at 9:00 A.M.  The nondenominational church will feature contemporary services in a relaxed, welcoming environment.  Children services will be provided.

Wittman said, “The vision for Covenant Life Outreach Church grew out of my experiences campaigning for the Fourth Congressional District.  On the
campaign trail, I felt called to help bridge the social, economical, political and religious gaps that divide the Upstate Community.  I still feel that same call to serve the people of the Upstate, and   Covenant Life Outreach is a gateway to fulfill that call.”

Wittman, the son of international missionaries, began his career in the ministry helping his parents start churches throughout the world.  His parents founded the first accredited Bible Seminary in Australia.  Wittman later went on to serve in the United States Marine Corps, as a Spartanburg County Sheriff’s Deputy, and as a federal agent with the United States Capitol Police.  He has also preached at churches around the country through
Andrew Wittman Ministries, Inc.

Andrew and his wife Kim live in Greer, SC with their three children - Drew
(7), Jack (4), and Michaela Grace (1).  Those interested in learning more about Covenant Life Outreach Church are encouraged to contact Wittman at 864.363.1436 or .

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