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October 25, 2006 | South Carolina Headlines


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Gov. Sanford to Visit Rock Hill, Florence & Charleston Tomorrow
April 20, 2005

Columbia, S.C. - April 20, 2005 - Gov. Mark Sanford will visit Rock
Hill and Florence tomorrow (April 21, 2005) to highlight the need for
fiscal discipline in the state budget. With more than $600 million in
new money coming into state government in this coming fiscal year alone,
the governor will continue his push to set aside additional funds for
the purpose of trust and reserve fund repayment. Additionally, the
governor will highlight the expanded taxpayer savings included in his
Executive Budget.

The governor's visits will take place at the following times and

Rock Hill

Bank of York
280 Hands Mill Road
10:00 a.m.


Florence National Bank
2009 Hoffmeyer Road
12:15 p.m.

Following these visits, at 2:30 p.m. tomorrow, Gov. Sanford will travel
to a North Charleston Department of Motor Vehicles office (3970 Leeds
Avenue, North Charleston) to talk about how budgetary proposals
currently moving through the General Assembly could possibly result in a
return to long lines at the DMV.

For more information or directions from your location to either of
tomorrow's events, please contact Chris Drummond or Will Folks in the
Governor's Office at 803-734-2100.

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