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May 23, 2005 | South Carolina Headlines


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Biden Taken to Task for Fund- Raiser
Laird from Simpsonville writes:
4/26/2005 4:57:46 PM
Yes, and it's also the same Joe Biden who was almost expelled from law school because of plagiarism (and, not having learned anything from that episode, was driven from the 1988 presidential campaign because he plagiarized extensively from a speech by British Labor Party leader Neil Kinnock). One might say that the man is "ethically challenged". (Of course, it wouldn't be worth the trouble to say that to him because he probably doesn't understand either of those big words.)
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James from Bennettsville writes:
4/26/2005 4:26:41 PM
Is this the same Joe Biden that all our illustrious Democrats in South Carolina were kissing up to the other night?
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