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May 14, 2006 | South Carolina Headlines


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Finlay Park fountain, walls cost city $350,000 in 5 years
Haywood from Greenville writes:
4/26/2006 4:34:46 PM
James you've been doped up those meds too long. We already have an MLK holiday. Wake up and smell the 21st century.
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James from Bennettsville writes:
4/26/2006 4:12:32 PM
Hay-wood is still marching and protesting for a MLK holiday up there. He needs an extra day off because he works so hard at running his mouth.
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Haywood from Greenville writes:
4/26/2006 12:29:35 PM
So you chose to dodge it again. Big surprise.
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Doug from Columbia writes:
4/26/2006 12:28:29 PM
Haywood, you are the weakest link. Goodbye.
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Haywood from Greenville writes:
4/26/2006 12:02:38 PM
Doug can you answer the question or will you dodge it like every other? How is it a waste of money? I'm not interested in your false dichotomy.
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Doug from Columbia writes:
4/26/2006 10:26:23 AM
"I don't live in Columbia."


You don't live in Columbia, you aren't willing to contribute to the cause, and your tax dollars aren't involved. I think we're done, here.

Since you are ultra-socialist, answer this question for me: Would you say that paying for a water fountain is more important than giving a classroom full of kids a better education, or helping to lift a few families out of poverty?

I don't support any forced redistribution of wealth, but wouldn't you say that children are more important than water fountains?

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Haywood from Greenville writes:
4/26/2006 6:41:11 AM
I don't live in Columbia. If you guys want to keep it a shit hole that's fine with me. My question to you (which you so predictably avoided) was why you think it's a total waste of money. I keep having this crazy idea that you'll actually support one of your proclamations at some point. I can't quite figure out why I continue to hold out that hope.
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Doug from Columbia writes:
4/25/2006 9:37:09 PM
How much can we expect you to contribute to the cause?
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Haywood from Greenville writes:
4/25/2006 4:51:30 PM
Why? Columbia is the arm pit of the state. You guys need to do something to make it more attractive.
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Doug from Columbia writes:
4/25/2006 2:41:34 PM
A total waste of money.
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