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May 14, 2006 | South Carolina Headlines


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Deporting Decency
Mike from Greenville writes:
4/25/2006 9:20:10 AM
Give it to the abortion clinics?
James must be on Jimmy's diet plan that impairs his residual brain matter.
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James from Bennettsville writes:
4/25/2006 9:11:54 AM
Give it to all the families of the victims Clinton and the Democrats murdered in Waco. Add to that list all the operatives that were murdered by "Leaky" Leahy divulging classified information. Give it to the Abortion Clinics that murder 1.5 million babies a year. Then what is left the Three Stooges can have.
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Mike from Greenville writes:
4/24/2006 10:29:24 PM
Give it to the families of the dead Americans killed by W.
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Andrew from Clemson, SC writes:
4/24/2006 5:51:44 PM
Give it to who?
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Mike from Greenville writes:
4/24/2006 3:10:26 PM
Y'all can stay here as long as you give up all the stuff built by illegals.....
[ reply ]
James from Bennettsville writes:
4/24/2006 9:25:06 AM
Maybe everyone except Indians should leave America!
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Andrew from Clemson, SC writes:
4/24/2006 9:22:25 AM
What would the unions do?
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Mike from Greenville writes:
4/24/2006 7:19:24 AM
What would your ancestors do?
[ reply ]

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