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June 2, 2006 | South Carolina Headlines


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Lowering Cholesterol Through Better Choices
Bruce from Bonsall, CA writes:
5/31/2006 6:19:07 PM

Congratulations in facing openly your problems. I, like you, have waxed and waned in my steadiness in eating the right foods. As you have seen in some of my article/comments to you, recidivism is one of the biggest worries in regards to any life-style improvement program. Dia is in its early stages, so we do not have a fully developed motivation, support, and education program. However, we do understand that developing such a program is essential as a companion program to the nutrition side if we expect to produce lasting results in our clients/patients.
I believe that one aspect of such a program should include an Internet based open forum for all to participate that is oriented around motivating, teaching, and supporting each other. If you would like to discuss how we might create such a program together, please give me a call (760-806-3640) so that we might discuss this.
Thanks for the candor. It demonstrates your commitment for self-improvement in the face of our human characteristics of weaving up and down during such a course. Life is never a straight line. Itís the curves that make it fun though.

Best regards,

Bruce G. Rossiter
Dia Healthcare

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