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October 25, 2006 | South Carolina Headlines


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Radio Hosts Taunted With Death Threats Over Muhammad Cartoon Controversy
Haywood from Greenville writes:
2/8/2006 4:05:52 PM
Yeah Joe. That's exactly how it works - on an episode of Night Rider.
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Joe from Edisto Island writes:
2/8/2006 4:03:34 PM
Haywood, think about the order of events.

You would brandish your weapon only after the attacker made his intentions clear.

If you were not brandishing a weapon, an attacker would have no reason to attack you from behind. Once his attack commenced, you then draw your weapon and (hopefully) deter further assault by the attacker.

Otherwise, just shoot the bastard.

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Haywood from Greenville writes:
2/8/2006 4:01:41 PM
Given the supposed threats to Cassell, wonder if Jimmy bothered to run this by Jonathan before posting the image here?
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Haywood from Greenville writes:
2/8/2006 3:34:40 PM
Well that's pretty much the opposite of what you said in the last post.
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Joe from Edisto Island writes:
2/8/2006 3:11:05 PM
That's why the idea is for a CONCEALED weapon. The attacker doesn't know if you are armed or not...or if anyone else in the room is armed. As a result, the mere presents of the concealed carry law has been shown to be a deterrent.
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Haywood from Greenville writes:
2/8/2006 12:10:30 PM
"Often the mere presence of a firearm is enough to dissuade even the most aggravated antagonist to refrain from such behavior, at least long enough for the police to intervene."

Or at least enough to get them to realize they should attack from behind.

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Joe from Edisto Island writes:
2/8/2006 10:03:24 AM
I wonder if Cassell and Rollins have bothered to obtain a CWP permit. It certainly wouldn't hurt to go that extra step and protect each of these individuals and their respective families.

Of course a CWP can't help you against a bomb threat or some other cowardly attack, but it certainly can assist when someone directly threatens. Often the mere presence of a firearm is enough to dissuade even the most aggravated antagonist to refrain from such behavior, at least long enough for the police to intervene.

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