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The World Wrestling Federation of Faith Without the Fakery
Andrew from Clemson, SC writes:
12/28/2005 11:47:31 AM
"Even our tax money goes to churches that donít pay property taxes."

Churches should pay for the services they use. No more, no less.

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Andrew from Clemson, SC writes:
12/28/2005 9:17:06 AM
Most conflicts are group-oriented. Religion is simply one method that politicians use to divide individuals.
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Mike from Greenville writes:
12/27/2005 12:48:12 PM
St. Joe,

You miss the whole point.
Just leave us godless folks alone and get raptured up when the time comes.

Go pray in a closet so only your big guy in the sky can see. The rest of us have no desire to see your prideful piety.

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Mike from Greenville writes:
12/27/2005 12:48:10 PM
St. Joe,

You miss the whole point.
Just leave us godless folks alone and get raptured up when the time comes.

Go pray in a closet so only your big guy in the sky can see. The rest of us have no desire to see your prideful piety.

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1 from Defunct writes:
12/27/2005 8:09:18 AM
"Hey, I just try not to worship Tsunami-makers who kill over 40,000 people."

this is hilarious. Good to see you have not changed one bit in a year.

Extremely funny how a person who does not believe in God, is quick to BLAME Him for everything that is wrong with the world. Sounds like you are always willing to look for a scape-goat (which BTW, is religious in nature).

Mikey, when you start thanking God for the ability to wake in a free country and take another breath... THEN you can 'blame' Him when bad things happen.

On the other hand, you would make a great 'christian', you've already got experience in blaming others rather than admitting your own faults!

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1 from Defunct writes:
12/27/2005 7:40:46 AM
"We godless folks believe life is just fine and have no maker to satisfy."

If you godless folks believe life is just fine, then why do you spend so much time trying to rid the rest of the world of religion?

"If only we were the majority...."

then what? You would outlaw religion altogether after you had re-written the Constitution?

you 'godless' folks are no different than those you are fighting against.

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Mike from Greenville writes:
12/29/2004 1:05:58 PM
Hey, Haywood, looks like we scared away another one with a dose of reality.

Take the bible away and it's like their batteries go dead.

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Haywood from Greenville writes:
12/29/2004 12:25:20 PM
Daniel, buddy, you've just demonstrated why myths persist among you religious types. You made a very bold statement which you've not been able to provide any evidence of, yet you still believe it. This is the problem with faith. You choose to believe what you want instead of what is real.

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Daniel from Williamston writes:
12/29/2004 11:40:24 AM
Gentlemen, you are both running in circles, dodging the evidence at every turn.

Good day to you.

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Haywood from Greenville writes:
12/29/2004 11:24:21 AM
Our government is a secular government as well. Does that mean every time we put someone to death it's in the name of atheism? You're not making any sense Daniel.
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Mike from Greenville writes:
12/29/2004 11:21:53 AM
Now, did you count the WWII deaths caused by the divine japanese emperor as religious or non-religious?

Can't tell.

Where are the deaths of entire cultures caused by baby jesus missionaries and explorers over the centuries?

I suspect that the documentation of these past centuries is like the biblical documentation - much faith in the numbers.

But, it does not make your religious cause look too divinely inspired if you just want to show that religious wars have less dead heads on their ledgers than non-religious wars.

Once again, I rather focus on the here and now and it is obvious to me that in the 21st Century young American soldiers are dying in a relgious conflict between W's god and Osama's.

Both of these cowards should just go see their respective makers soon and save others from dying.

Iraq has more to do with a conflict of religious cultures than 9/11.

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Daniel from Williamston writes:
12/29/2004 11:20:44 AM
"And what you've just described in China is one group of religionists killing another group."

And what religion or persuasion does the government of Communist China represent? Atheism.

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Haywood from Greenville writes:
12/29/2004 11:10:19 AM
So this is your evidence? This is a guy who was charged with rape.

And what you've just described in China is one group of religionists killing another group. This has been the history of religious persecution for years. The Puritans fled England to avoid religious persecution only to enact their own version of it here.

I ask again, who has actually been killed in the name of atheism? When you respond try to avoid the knee jerk responses.

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Daniel from Williamston writes:
12/29/2004 10:38:35 AM
Pastor Gong Shengliang

There's one name. But it's common knowledge that those who worship outside the state-controlled church in Red China are subject to persecution including a death sentence. Same thing happened routinely in the Soviet Union. All because the insisted on worshipping God, not being atheist.

Haywood, are you really as ignorant of world events as you sound?

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Haywood from Greenville writes:
12/29/2004 10:07:18 AM
Who has actually been killed in the name of atheism? Show me one person.
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Daniel from Williamston writes:
12/29/2004 9:33:17 AM
"You have not shown that murders for relgious motives are less than those from non-religious motives."

Yes I have. Atheistic totalitarian regimes murdered 169,000,000 people during the 20th century. Religous conflicts, including some in the total that were not entirely religous such as the conquests of the Ottoman Turks, accounted for 12,000,000 across all of recorded history. If you want to say the atheistic regimes committed their atrocities because their victims were religous, you're assigning religous motives to atheists, essentially calling atheism a religion ... something I don't think you'll want to do.

" If you want to compare numbers then compare how many people have been killed in the name of religion versus how many of been killed in the name of atheism."

See the note above.

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Mike from Greenville writes:
12/28/2004 8:59:47 PM
But, Adam, you have no evidence but faith.

Your bible babble ain't even the start of a grade school discussion.

Go get some evidence that adults with reason can discuss.

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Mike from Greenville writes:
12/28/2004 8:56:55 PM

I am not quibbling about your statistics but how you are interpreting them.

You have not shown that murders for relgious motives are less than those from non-religious motives.

We can only stop the deaths happening now and we are not doing that because of a clash between religious beliefs.

Osama has his god and W has his.

I prefer that they both see their maker soon so that others don't die.

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John from Greenville writes:
12/28/2004 7:09:58 PM
Unfortunately Mike you'll find out too soon.
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Haywood from Greenville writes:
12/28/2004 5:37:54 PM
Daniel you're not making a bit of sense. If you want to compare numbers then compare how many people have been killed in the name of religion versus how many of been killed in the name of atheism.
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Daniel from Williamston writes:
12/28/2004 5:18:54 PM
"Being practical, I am more concerned with the present than the past."

Mike, I just read your bio. You're an analyst for a large insurance company. When analyzing the safety of a particular vehicle or the risk involved with a particular hobby, do you want only the data from the last week? Or from as much history as is available? By your "logic" (and I know you're smarter than you're acting) walking on the beach is hundreds of times more deadly than fighting in the Middle East, skydiving, driving drunk, or even playing Russian Roulette.

Then you blame emperor-worship for Mao's murders. The bulk of Mao's murders were after he was in power, not while he was fighting Generalissimo Chaing Kai Chek. And it was the Generalissimo, not the emperor whom he overthrew!

You asked for statistics. You got them. But don't let facts get in the way of your secularist jihad.

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Mike from Greenville writes:
12/28/2004 5:02:29 PM

Looking at these estimates I am not sure how you distinguish religious from the non-religious.

For example, China fatalities are number one on the fatality hit parade.

Were they caused by religious motives or not?

The emperor is considered god or godlike as you may know.

Mao could not compete with the fatalities of china past.

And, Mao had hospitals for his country and universal healthcare as best as he could do it.

We have had Americans with no healthcare who are dead because of a lack of it.

But, you are avoiding my main point - the killing of people now due to relgious motives.

Being practical, I am more concerned with the present than the past.

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Mike from Greenville writes:
12/28/2004 4:27:54 PM
Hey Adam,

Let me know when one of the 44,000 dead people apparently killed by the Tsunami-maker (or are you somehow blaming the devil?) return with their "beginning" story.

Or, do I have to wait for the rapture?

All this sounds very similar to the 40 virgin promise.

Do faith folks have a choice of 40 virgins or just heavenly bliss? Both?

Tell me more...

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Daniel from Williamston writes:
12/28/2004 4:24:08 PM
Compare the 169,000,000 here:
to the religion-driven struggles here:

Most in this second box are not religion-driven. Certainly the top 5 are not. At most, 12,000,000 murders listed here are attributable to religion. That's 12,000,000 too many, but the mostly atheistic totalitarian regimes of the 20th Century have this figure beaten by more than 10 times.

Some of those who claim to follow a deity have done some evil things. But those who reject God completely have done so much more evil!

But think of this. Who does a lot good in the world? Who has helped more people? The American Red Cross? Or the Freedom from Religion Foundation? When did you last visit someone in Chairman Mao hospital? Or see a charitable work started by atheists? Aren't half the hospitals around St. somebody or Baptist this or Lutheran that? Who does the red kettle drive? The ACLU? Or the Salvation Army? And yes, "salvation" in "Salvation Army" was for eternal salvation. The founder was a devout Christian.

You cannot judge a movement or a belief by the abberations within it. You can judge it by the overwhelming majority of its adherents.

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John from Greenville writes:
12/28/2004 3:35:07 PM
The human suffering from the Tsunami is truly tragic and heart wrenching.

Death in this world is the ultimate tragedy for those of you for whom it is the end, rather than the beginning.

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Mike from Greenville writes:
12/28/2004 1:03:26 PM
Do you have some statistics on that?
Or, are you just taking a leap of math faith?
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Daniel from Williamston writes:
12/28/2004 1:01:04 PM
If only we [godless folks] were the majority....

You, Stalin, and Mao should get along well.

More people were murdered by atheist regimes in the last century alone than by all religous wars of all religions throughout all recorded history.

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Haywood from Greenville writes:
12/28/2004 12:24:04 PM
Very amusing article Mike. Nice job.
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Mike from Greenville writes:
12/28/2004 9:03:35 AM
Hey, I just try not to worship Tsunami-makers who kill over 40,000 people.

I thought you christian folk are trying to make North Koreans Tsunami-maker worshippers.

Not true?

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John from Greenville writes:
12/27/2004 9:43:46 PM
You'd probably be comfortable in North Korea.

Don't kid yourself or anyone else that you don't have a blind faith. You are one of the most fundametalist people on this board, pretty much in line with the fundamentalism practiced in North Korea.

You'd fit in just fine there.

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Mike from Greenville writes:
12/27/2004 8:55:35 PM
What is god's wrestling stage name? Baby jesus?
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