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June 3, 2006 | South Carolina Headlines


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Tenenbaum Belittled Herself With Shameful Debate Performance
Jimmy from Spartanburg writes:
10/7/2004 8:37:42 AM
I figured you would be used to that by now, Andy, with your man Kerry constantly getting the facts wrong or making up his own facts as he goes along.

As for referencing Zell Miller, I was not referring to the person who submitted the legislation in the HOUSE. I was simply repeating what Congressman DeMint said in the debate that it was Zell Miller's idea and he signed on as a cosponsor in the House version of the bill.

You know, Andy, you like to criticize me and other conservatives for twisting words around, but you are the king of the subject! :-)

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W. Andrew from Greenville writes:
10/6/2004 5:13:48 PM
I scanned the first few paragraphs...just to remind myself why I don't read Jimmy's stuff anymore, and just thought it was amusing how he is criticizing Inez for misidentifying the author of H.R. 25 and he got it wrong. Not only did he identify a U.S. Senator as the author of U.S. House legislation...which is just pure ignorance.

He got the party wrong...the author is a Republican.

And he got the name wrong, the author was Rep. John Linder. He is from Jimmy got one of the three facts straight. About par for the course for Jimmy. flunked!

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